
Monday, February 28, 2011

Maybe Yoga is not for me...

So I finally went to that Yoga class that I was supposed to take last week. I went there wearing a baggy t-shirt: BIG MISTAKE! BIG!

Let me explain so you can visualize: a large number of Yoga poses involve a version of standing on your head. When you stand on your head: baggy t-shirt fall over you face, and your belly hangs down…

Not exactly the perfect scenario for relaxation and zen feeling… POINT MADE... Perhaps, I should consider shopping for yoga clothes? You know retail therapy always works! J I’m just not sure other half will agree...

Breath in and breath out....

Rise and shine! I feel perky and so rested. I got out of bed and made myself a cup of Nespresso. The kids slept peacefully as I hop in the shower, shave my legs, and moisturize my hair while I listening to the radio. I am so on top of current events! I apply my makeup and other half brings in a breakfast tray with buttered toast and fresh squeezed orange juice. As I slip into a wrinkle free "size 0" black pantsuit I found for 75 percent off at Zara, the kids come running in and hug me. Morgane’s hair tangle free, their eyes bright and bearing no eye boogers. Arthur has not only dressed himself, but has changed his sister’s diaper and gone so far as to color coordinate their outfits! They eat a nutritiously balanced breakfast at the dining table with other half while I watch the morning news because I have 15 minutes to spare. We pile into my clean and crumb free car and are merrily on our way to school. There is no traffic, the sun shines brightly, and I arrive at work five minutes early.

Reality? Wake up 15 minutes late because I forgot to set the alarm clock. Curse myself for oversleeping. Other half is snoring . Try to brush my teeth while sorting out the dirty laundry that needs to be taken care of, and my three-year-old comes bounding in professing her hunger. Hand her cereal straight from the box and set her butt in front of the Cartoon Channel.. Apply makeup in record time and put on an old black pants and brown wrinkled blouse (what’s that unidentified dried substance on the front?) Realize that I am seriously running late and therefore will have the cup of coffee at the office. Wrestle with the three-year-old as she giggles maniacally and runs through the house. Get both kids loaded into the car and dropped off at school. Make it half way to the office and realize I left the lunch I had packed the night before in the refrigerator.

Get stuck behind a blonde hair driving 15 kilometers below the speed limit. Arrive at office 20 minutes late and hope no one notices. Decide to take the stairs (for once!) and run into the President of the company. Make a stupid joke about "those darn kids". Grab a cup of fresh coffee in the break room and chat briefly with a co-worker who tells me I have lipstick on my teeth. Settle in at my desk to rest my brain for a good hour while pretending to intently check e-mail and voice mail. Find solace in the fact that it’s the other half’s day to pick the kids up from school and I have a surplus of frozen fish sticks in the fridge.

Mmmmm... This is the beginning of a beautiful week! Yup, It's coming! I can feel it!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Embarrassing…Toilet story...

I wish I had found the words in time to tell the lady coming in the toilet after me that the smell was already there when I arrived….

… Then maybe she would not have given me the "weird look"… :-/

Working Girl… Hum, Hum…AMAGAD!!!!

So a very good friend of mine just discovered my blog and he sent me the definition of a "Working Girl" that can also be found on Wikipedia:

  1. (uncommon) A young woman who works.
  2. (idiomatic, euphemism) A prostitute.

Euphemistic term for a prostitute, often preferred by the sex workers themselves.
She: I don't like being called a whore or a prostitute.
He: How would you describe yourself then?
She: I'm a working girl.

Now I understand why he asked if I had changed profession while he was absent!!! I am so embarrassed but at the same time I found it hilarious! No wonder I had so many readers to my blog!

OK for my excuse, English is not my mother tongue!!! I have been raised in 3 languages: Tagalog, French AND English!

So I’ll have to change my profile or maybe I’ll leave as it is, traffic is still traffic right? J

Feeling of the day...

Workin' 9 to 5
What a way to make a livin'
Barely gettin' by
It's all takin' and no givin'
They just use your mind
And you never get the credit
It's enough to drive you crazy
If you let it

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Today  marks my first month of  blogging! I never thought a month  ago that I would end up writing a least a post a day.
1162 visitors in a month! I am speechless. I am literally without speech. OK, some people have 10000 visitors but having already 1 would have been great for me, so this is really a nice suprise...
My blog is my happy place. My blog is my comforter. My blog is my own little piece of internet paradise I go here to say anything and everything.
I go here to make people giggle, snort and laugh with me.
I go here with my silly ideas on without the fear of being judged or being laughed at. Okay fine, sometimes you (especially you, dear brother) laugh at a me. But that's coming from a place of love and goodness. Right?
I go here because otherwise I might just go carzy. Working mom plus 2 kids plus sleep deprivation plus tones of coffee equals a cuckoo girl sometimes.
I go here to voice out my fears and my worries. I go here because I love the sound of my own voice. Again, dear brother: Shhhh!
I hope you keep coming back, for as long as I have crazy stories to tell! Oh another thing, I'm glad I have all these visitors, now if I could have you post some comments that would be nice :o) Promise, I don't bite!

Did I really say this?

This morning brought yet another moment where I was astonished to the words coming out of my mouth: "Nooo Morgane, don’t use the butt cream as a lotion!"

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I have been really proud of Arthur lately…

Sigh…I looked at my 5 year old son this morning and couldn’t believe how big he suddenly was. It was like he sprouted up a few inches overnight. He was only 2 kg 900 gr when he was born, and that baby…that little, teeny, tiny baby who could fit in the palm of his father’s hand…well, he could NOT be the same child I see before me now. It’s like this new kid just gobbled up the other one.
Today before I sent him off to school, I gave him an extra hug and kiss. What more can I do really? I can’t hold on to him forever, though there are days I wish I could. There are times I wish I could hold that little two kilos  baby in my arms…. I want to yell at him, "Stop growing!"
Morgane knows how lucky she is to have a big brother who is happy to play with her, read with her, or simply cuddle up in his bed for a bedtime story. She is growing up with a “ready-made” best friend and it shows in her confidence and love of life…
There is so much joy in watching him mature. He is smart, funny, extremely kind and generous, a wonderful big brother and friend. There’s no doubt that life won’t always be a breeze with him. We know we have battles ahead. So somehow, someway, I have to find time to enjoy him while he’s young.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

You know you have kids when…

1.       The 3 packs of Fish Sticks replaced the sushis in your freezer
2.       "Because I said so" has become a perfectly logical and acceptable answer to "Why?"
3.       You can name all the Pixar movies in just one breath
4.       A good meal is one where nobody cries
5.       You ever told you kid "taste like chicken" to make him try food
6.       You make a sandwich for yourself or your other half  and automatically cut it in quarters.
7.       Your home constantly looks like LEGO pucked on the floor
8.       You ever had to clean vomit from a couch, a car seat, a bed, a floor, a toilet sea, or hair
9.       You know that kids are quiet for too long, something is wrong
10.   You’ve seen Tom & Jerry a  least a 100 times
11.   You find yourself humming the "Dora" song in the shower.
12.   You know the term "childproof" is a myth
13.   They are in bed early, you and your other half can get "busy" but all you can think about is sleep
14.   You secretly crave adult conversation

Mother’s guilt

Morgane is down with the flu… I had to call the office and let them know I would not be in today as I had no one to take care of my daughter and that I would be back on Friday. 
The boss gave me a hard time, basically not understanding that a flu would take that long to go away. I told her that this was per doctor’s instruction.
I thought to myself, maybe I should have tried harder to find a solution, maybe I should worry more about my job. Then immediately another thought came, what if the fever gets higher, what if Morgane feels worse this evening because whoever took care of her while I was at work did not notice that she was getting worse…
I know mother’s guilt is a pretty universal feeling, no matter what you have, how much money, what career, you will always feel the sting of parental guilt. I gave in this time and decided I would take care of Morgane. I admit I could have done a few phone calls and try to find a sitter, but honestly, I didn’t want to. I am her mom and I wanted to be there for her.
In Belgium, you are entitled to 10 unpaid days to be near your sick child. I believe that if this rule has been created it is for a good reason, and today I believe my reason was good enough.
It’s not the first time The boss gives me a hard time, and I usually suck it up. But there is something about criticizing anything related to my children that I can’t accept…
This is just a job, it pays the bills but it’s not my life…  I will not hide that I have been quiet unhappy at my job for a while now, so I guess this final straw is just a sign that I should move on…

Monday, February 21, 2011

The “Evil” bikini

So this week-end I dugged out my collection of bikinis. I tried them on, and immediately had a mini heart-attack just by watching the front of me!
I think the episode where I fall of the wagon just came back to bite me in the face.
Before I had children I was a serious gym bunny. I had the sort of confidence you could bottle and make your fortune from. These days it feels like I now have the ability to gain weight by osmosis. I have to run down the catering in the supermarket for fear of having my cells expand just by breathing in too deeply near the caramelizing ribs.
I have blamed my defective genes (why didn't I get the ones which mean you snap back into shape?), my other half (he's killing me with kindness when he nags me to have a moelleux au chocolat, which is a chocolate cake with melting chocolate in it); even my children have been held responsible for making me love them more than going to the gym.
But this has to stop. For my health and for my sanity. So I am going to shape up. It's time. First step will be to try a yoga class, baby steps first...
Will tell you more about this tomorrow... But for now, there is no way I'm going to traumatize myself by trying to see my back side!

10 Random things about me : Morgane

1.       I’m addicted to Nutella
2.       I’m also addicted to crêpes and pancakes
3.       Sometimes I pee in my pants because I’m too lazy to go to the bathroom
4.       Tom & Jerry are the best! You really can’t appreciate it unless you’ve watched it 50 times. In a row. Over the course of the week-end.
5.       I’ve learned one thing during my 3 years on this planet: I can often get out of troubles with Bambi  eyes
6.       I can cry on demand
7.       I can make my brother  do almost anything
8.       My best friend’s name is “NOTME”
9.       Give me some mayo and I’ll pretty much eat anything
10.   Things I do solely to freak out my Mom and Dad:
a.       eat a random chewing gum I’ve picked in a public place
b.      suddenly scream like a banshee when they are driving really fast
Man, if you could see the look on their faces. PRICELESS!

Just being sentimental again…

There isn’t enough words to come up that would do justice to explain the love these 2 have for each other… They are inseperable
It’s not always sunshine in our home, they are definitely fights and tantrums, disobedience, selective hearing but there is love, caring, communication and tones of hugs and kisses exchanged…
This is my life and I wake up every morning so grateful, filled to the brim with love…

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Love "à la Arthur"

1.        See my long hair ? Super Cool !
2.       See the high heels? That’s my boy: an eye for the details J !

Arthur : Mom, I don’t have money to buy you flowers, but here is a drawing until I get a job…
I just love this kid!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

The reasons I married "Other Half"

If you have been reading my blog, you already know that I am very much in love with "Other Half". So if you are still wondering why, here are from my point of view pretty damn good reasons!
1.       He’s a great cook! Ok, the scale has never made an effort to agree with me on this one. But if the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, I must have been a dude in some other life!
2.       He’s got very large feet! OK, he has ENORMOUS feet! (At this point it may lead you to certain assumption about why I married the guy but you’d be wrong! HA! Just kidding J)
3.       He never gets angry
4.       Oh yeah, he provided me with 2 gorgeous children
5.       He makes me laugh so much that I thank God everyday that I had a c-sections and not the natural births, if not we would have to think about buying those granny napkins!
6.       He deals with most poo related things, be it kids poo, dog poo stuck on shoes, , he will clear it up and sort it out while I am gagging
7.       He is my bed warmer, no need for a hot water bottle in my bed
8.       He does the laundry
9.       He lets me hold the remote control
But most of all, he still loves me...

Customer Complaint

Dear Mother Nature,
Listen, and listen good. I have a closet full of beautiful dresses and outfits. I have beautiful shoes that are just waiting for the weather to get a bit warmer so they can get out of their boxes. Your inability to perform your basic job duties is simply unacceptable. My patience is running THIN. All I want is some sun AND warm temperature. I know it’s not spring yet, but this winter you showed us how dedicated you were to deliver snow, now do your job and start sending us some heat!
Best regards,
A very unsatisfied customer…

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I love going home on Thursdays!

Like pretty much every working mom I know, my house is not as clean as I'd like it to be. Not by a long shot.

Between work  and kids, I simply don't have the time or energy to be Mrs. Clean. I try to keep the house presentable and I think to myself, It's not clean enough and I hope no one notices.

That’s why when we hired our cleaning lady, I felt like a big weight had been taken off my shoulders. Over the years, I've come to appreciate our cleaning lady  more than I can say. We leave for work and like a magical fairy, she transforms my slovenly house into something that sparkles and smells good.
Moreover, I can focus on what I really want, like enjoying my time with family and friends.
If other half and myself had to choose between paying for groceries or paying the cleaning lady, we'd starve for a week so we could have fresh bed linens and clean bathrooms.
I love her because after she comes over, my house feels like heaven…
Oh wait! It's not a dream :-)

Mummy is losing it... but no worries it's temporary...

So I was a tad emotional in my previous post, sorry for that… But you know what? Sometimes it's okay to chuck a tantrum. And I am talking about MYSELF.

Yeah I know NOT a very grown-up thing to do. BUT my little act this morning kept my two kids quiet...for about 2 minutes. 2 minutes is better than 0 minutes right? RIGHT?

I got tired of their whining and sometimes spoiled attitude like they had this morning. I was just about to be ready to hit my head on the wall… So with Superwomen effort, I resisted the urge to send my kids on the moon…
So what's a frazzled, stressed-to-the-max mama do in this situation?
Chuck a tantrum of course!
Give them a taste of their own medicine. With a spoonful of pretend crying and a forkful of guilt-tripping words like:

"You guys are giving me so much heartache, I might need to go to the hospital, do you guys want me to end up in the hospital?" (Insert sobbing here)

Let your inner Method Actor out. Works just like a charm.

Do not forget where you came from..

This si going to be a long post and to understand where I want to get to, you’ll have to read the whole thing…
This story is typical of many immigrant families…
28 years ago, my parents decided to leave the Philippines with hopes of giving us a better life… I was 2 years old when we set foot in Luxembourg with our tourist visa. My aunt who was married to a Luxemburgish welcomed us into her home. Mom and Dad did not have a job, we were 5 people leaving on a salary of 2. I remember that the house was located near a corn field. During the night my parents and my aunt would go there and steal some corns so we would have food for the following days. Life was hard but up to now, I have never heard my mom and dad complain… I also remember going to the very same corn field to hide. I remember my dad putting is hand on my mouth because he was so afraid I would start crying and that the policemen with their dogs would find us. Our visa had expired and they were looking for us…
I guess it’s after several episodes like this one that my family decided it was time for us to move again. My aunt contacted one of her friend who lived in Brussels (Belgium) and told her about our situation. She agreed to have us in her home. Once we were in Belgium, Mom and Dad started looking for jobs. Eventually my mom found one and she started to work in a factory while my dad would look after me. My dad told me that my mom would come home exhausted and her hands in excruciating pain. They were using chemical products without providing gloves for the workers… Obviously, this wasn’t a good job, so every evening, the 3 of us would have supper and then we would go and knock doors to find a better position for my mom. She tried several restaurants in the center but no one wanted to hire her even as a plunger because they did not believe that she would be capable to do the job.
Then one very late evening, she knocked on the door of the Tanzanian Embassy, it was very late and cold. Mom told me that the Ambassadress saw me in my dad’s arms with my very light jacket, and she took pity on me. The embassy had an old servants’ house, she told my mom she would agree to hire her as a maid and that me and her could live there… She negotiated hard and told her that my dad would be useful to her as well… She agreed and the next day, we took our 2 suitcases (that’ all we had) full of clothes and move in the servant’s house. There was nothing in there, just a mattress on a floor, no bad, no sofa, nothing… That’s how my family’s life in Belgium began…
My parents painstakingly studied books, listened to cassette tapes, and even took night classes to learn French and adapt to their new life, all while raising me.
I picked up our second language without much difficulty, and I quickly assumed the role of the translator.
I resented this while growing up, and I am ashamed to say that I still resent it at times. Not only was I required to decipher every letter that arrived at our address, I had to make phone calls, write letters, and intercede on my parents’ behalf. I have done this since elementary school. Can you imagine being the only kid whose parents never attended parent-teacher conferences, and having to explain to your teachers that your parents can not visit because they do not speak French? (And no, I was not allowed to attend and translate on behalf of my parents.) How about getting in heated debates with government agencies at the age of 7?
When I recall all the awful and terrifying things my parents had to go through to get here, I’m grateful.
It hurts me sometimes to see that the second generation of Belgian, ie: my kids, my nieces are sometimes unaware of their luck. They think they got it all figured out and today I’m not only hurt, I’m mad and disappointed.
Of course, I am proud of their achievements, of course I am proud to be able to give my children whatever they need. But how do I make them understand that this came with a price? That in order for them to have a beautiful house, to be able to make great studies, their grandparents, their mom and dad had to SUCK UP THEIR PRIDE???? That all I am asking now, is for them to PAY IT FORWARD...
Who are you children, to decide who deserve a better life or not? Did you ever had to struggle to find food? Did you ever had to swallow up your pride, your dignity just in order to keep a job? The answer is : NO!
No one should have to leave in humiliation, no matter what mistake they have made… Everybody deserves a better life… No one should worry on how to pay for their bills, how to find food for their family and themselves, how to put clothes on them and their children, NO ONE!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What do you mean there isn't much time left :o)

So, according to this chart, I have a few years left before it all goes down south (well, in my case some things already have followed that path)
I just turned 30 and apparently I have more or less 20 good years left before the menopause hits me and  I start looking like an old witch. That being said, I am proud to say that I still get mistaken for being younger (ahh bliss). It probably the great genes being Asian that helps. Add to that some good fashion sense, very expensive make-up and a torturing diet and you have the perfect cocktail!
But honestly, I’m not afraid of again. Really I’m not, I would not want to be 20 again. Turning 30 was like some kind of liberation. I feel better in my head and in my skin. I’m now at this mental crossroad, and I am trying figure out this new person that I am.
I don’t try to fit as hard as before. I wish I could have told my 20 years old self that everything would turn out fine and that making mistakes was all part of the plan…
Now, I just pray that I won’t shorten too much with age or at that at least other half will also follow this path, if not we will have a problem as we will look like the "Benny Hill Duo".

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"THE TALK"? – Thank you God, not just yet…

So a while ago, Arthur was in our bedroom and he found a condom (Don’t ask why it was there or how it got there, ‘cause that’s another story).
Arthur (holding the package): Mom, what’s this?  
ME: hum, cough, cough. Well honey, it’s something Mommy and Daddy use so we don’t have another baby
Arthur: OH, ok… (as he left to watch his cartoons)
So what was I thinking not putting back the condom in a “safe place” instantly? I dunno!..
Few days later, Morgane is in our room and she also finds the condom:
Morgane (holding the package): Mom, what’s this?  
Arthur: Don’t touch that! Only grown- ups can eat that!
ME: Uh, what do you mean sweetie?
Arthur  (looking at Morgane and me and putting his Mr. "I-Know-It-All" act): Well yes, you told me that this is a special gum you and dad chew so the babies don’t form in your belly!
For once I shut my mouth and let him be right…

Translation:  I will not be your Father! I just love this French condom package :o

My Quirky Quirks…

So this morning, I met a vey nice friend of my dear brother… Apparently my dear brother and I are alike. I tend to disagree, I know I’m the better version of him :o)
Oh and dear brother, this is my blog, you may not agree what I have just written up there, but I know I’m right :o)
Anyway, after a very funny conversation with Massimo (oh, exotic isn’t it? Add handsome and you have a very lovely picture and Gay damn…), I came with this idea of listing my quirks:
1.       I am extremely awkward. Even more so around large groups. Match that with people I barely know you’ll find me in a pool of stuttering mess
2.       I don’t like hugs. Unless it’s my other half, my kids, my mom and dad or my dear brother hugging me: BACK OFF! I may like you but we do not need to share heat
3.       I fidget 
4.       I’m addicted to coffee (fidgeting and coffee might be related)
5.       I don’t like to take on a bite of anything. I prefer to have it on a plate, cut into pieces that I can just drop in my mouth
6.       I don’t like eating in public. Now before you start, I have no eating disorder. It’s just that a lot of friends told me I can eat like a truck driver and it made me self conscious, I LOVE FOOD, I just don’t like people watching me eat.
7.       I love fruits BUT I’m allergic to Kiwi. Oh and also, I think kiwi resembles little hairy monkey balls. (Don’t ask how my brain works, I don’t always know myself)

Patience you said?!

These days I’m spending most of my time trying to figure out whether my little girl is schizophrenic or just acting like a normal 3 years old. (I love you! Don’t kiss me! I want my comforter! No I’m a big girl! Come here! Go away! Not you, Daddy! Mummy! Hug! I said Go Away!)
Can I just say : ARGGGGHHHH!!!!
Whoever said that "Independence" is a beautiful thing, obviously never met my daughter! Seriously, sometimes I think she's bipolar :o)

One too many maybe?

I think I have found the equivalent of Chrystal Meth: 6 cups of coffee in 4 hours! I have lost 5 pounds just with my heart palpitation!
Oh and note to myself: Next time you feel the sneeze coming – PUT THE COFFEE DOWN!!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

My kids have the weirdest friends...

Morgane has a friend called  "Notme". Although, I try not to get involved in their friendships, I really have a hard time licking this little friend of hers.

Notme has a tendency to do bad things, for example:
-          Notme draws on my walls
-          Notme loves to play with Morgane but always spills her toys all over our house and never cleans up before he goes home
-          Notme often uses my restroom but never remembers to flush! Moreover, how much paper does this little friend needs?!
BUT Arthur also has a friend called “Idontknow”!
I’ll ask Arthur:
-          Why are the sleeves of shirt cut off? He’ll reply Idontknow did it.
-          Why is Morgane crying? Again, it’s Idontknow!
I swear to you there is something wrong about these little friends…
Although, I have never seen their friends (these little buggers always find a way to go home when I’m about to have a discussion with them), I have found on numerous accounts proff of their visits:
-          Chocolate fingers on my couch
-          Bread crubs in my drawers
-          My high heels being separated in different room of the house
-          Boogers on walls (I know!!! Seriously, I need to find this kids’ parents phone number)!
Maybe it’s better for them that we never meet… I told Arthur and Morgane to ask their little friends to behave, and the best way I found to make them understand how bad their little friends behaved is to make them clean their mess! So not cool Mom!
Below, Bill Cosby himself talking about this famous "NOTME"

Don't they look adorable?

So WHY have I said the following lately?
-          What are you eating? WHAT ARE YOU EATING?!?
-          Why is the floor all wet?
-          Why does your room smell like baby wipes?
-          Where did you get that knife?
-          No not the scissors!
-          No not my dress! Don’t touch my dress!!!