
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I don’t want to sound like a Party Pooper but…

I absolutely hate Valentine s Day! I don’t want to spoil it for the rest the lovey dovey couples out there but when it comes to me, I don’t need to have a special day to celebrate my wonderful Other Half.

Every morning I wake up and I’m thankful that the Lord has granted me another morning where I wake up next to my husband. So there will be no gifts, no romantic dinner, it will be an ordinary day for us because, love is in our home wither it is or isn’t Valentine ’s Day.

But I’ll tell you this: I'm grateful :

For our evenings together. When we’ve tucked the kids in bed… Rolling into each other...our bodies just fit. Love that we are two and can feel like one all at the same time.

The coffee he makes every morning.

That he surprises me by bringing me food at the office because the one I had wasn’t great. Very unexpected. Very appreciated.

His adoring eyes that are only for me.

The kind words he speaks everyday that always make my heart melt.

Our special moments when we say no to the kids and the rest of the world to focus on the US.

His patience. His understanding. His time. His belief in me.

Watching him cuddle our kids even if at THAT VERY moment when he deserves some quiet time.

This list is just some of the things I am grateful for. What gratitude I will always hold is that he **picked** me.

Now for a special shout-out! Thank you Jesus for sending such a great man to me to be my husband and my best friend!

I won’t wish my Other Half a Happy Valentine’s day, but I’ll wish YOU to find the kind of love that will make your world as beautiful as mine is today…. If I could stop the time just now, all would be perfect….

Friday, February 3, 2012

Happy 68th Birthday Mom! ♥

God good not be everywhere so He made Moms.

They say in the Bible that "He will give angels charge concerning me. To guard me in all my ways" (Psalm 91:11).
I believe my Mom is MY ANGEL. I took me to be a Mom to realize how wonderful you are, and I will never apologies enough for all the suffering I made you go through because of my bad behaviour while I was a kid and in my teens. You were the one one I was blaming all the time for all the bad things happening in my life, and I realize now that you were not to blame but instead I should have told you more often how thankful I am that you always stood by my side. You are the best mom, lola and wife, anyone could ask for. If I can be half the person you are, I would be already very proud. You are an example of love, patience, kindness, compassion, and care. I will love you always and sherrish all the days we have together and I pray for many many more....
I realize now that it is the little things the count, and you have done so many little things in my life that makes Olivier's, my children, and my life beautiful.

I thank Lord for blessing me with such a beautiful inside and out Mom. May he touch your heart more every day, and may you know his unconditionnal and everlasting love. God Bless you Mom, I love you more than words can say