
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Les Miserables - I can't wait!

Are you excited as I am to watch this movie ?!
I read “Les Misérables” when I was 15 years old and completely fell in love with the story. I really hope this movie will pay a beautiful tribute to Victor Hugo.
Enjoy the trailer below and the incredible actress Anne Hathaway. Looks like this actress really committed to her role when you see how skinny she is!

Portrait of "Cosette" by Emile Bayard, from the original edition of Les Misérables (1862)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Midnight in Paris...

If you haven’t seen this movie yet, you must! It was just that good! I’ve always loved Paris and though I’m only a train away from this beautiful city I haven’t been there for over 5 years!
After watching this movie, I just want to stroll through the streets of Paris and eat French macaroons. I want to seat at a terrace and read a good novel while sipping on an espresso with a pain au chocolat.  

I want to go to the Musée d’Orsay and watch for hours my favorites Degas…
I want to go to the Eiffel Tower and just under it, share a romantic kiss with my Other Half .

I want to escape this fast paced life and just enjoy life for a couple of days…
6 more weeks and I will be free as a bird! So why not take that time to simply do as I wish?... Yes why not? ... :-)



The great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzerald.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I Quit!

What a beautiful feeling, a sense of freedom!

No that that it's done; I can concentrate on the future!

Remember that post a little more than a year ago about how I was going to take control of my life again and seek out things that made me happy and fulfilled? Click(Here).

Well, today was the first big step. I owed it to myself to move on… I had been reassessing the situation for months and always came to the same conclusion; this job is making me miserable… I tried, I did, really. But even with all the prayers I made and the effort I made to try to appreciate this job, I was still feeling very unhappy.

I got a call on Monday saying that the job I interviewed for  a month ago was mine if I still wanted it and by the end of yesterday, I had made up my mind and I felt so relieved. Moreover, my Other Half has been a 150% behind me and I’m so thankful to him for that.

The great news is that this new job is really a great opportunity, and after my 6 weeks’ notice at my current job, I’ll still have a month and a half of well deserve break before starting at my new job. I’m glad I won’t have to start pulling my hair out trying to make a decision.

I’m planning on celebrating by drinking copious amounts of wine while Other Half will just watch me go a bit neurotic…
And of course, this would not be a real celebration I did not treat myself with  a nice pair of shoes, bags, and clothes (what?! A girl needs to look perfect in this crazy corporate world I’ll be entering!)…because that’s just how I roll, YO!

Saturday, May 12, 2012



I love you for all the times you picked me when I was down.

For all the times you traded your warm smile for my frown.

For all the times you brushed my hair and tucked me into bed… Or needed something for yourself and put me first instead.

For all the dreams that we have shared, the tears and laughter too.
I love you Mom with all my heart…
There’s no one quite like you!


Friday, May 11, 2012

The Lego Conspiracy - My Theory

Alright guys, I have a confession to make.  It’s not something that’s easy for me to admit, but I’m going to go ahead and put it out there if I want to stay true to who I really am and maybe, just, maybe I’ll be able to maintain my sanity.  Here goes nothing…

Hi, My name is Joy, and I genuinely fear and hate Legos. They have completely taken over my son (and daughter!), my house, and my life, and I just can’t seem to manage to dig out from under them.  Every time that I think I might have things a bit under control, those little plastic things (surely invented by the devil’s minion) emerge and prove once again that they are the boss of me.  And I’m thinking that maybe I should just wave the white flag and surrender because I don’t think that I 'm ever going to have a chance in hell of winning this battle.  I’m just not strong enough.” *insert sobbing here*

I have this little theory that I’m now sharing with you that is probably born out of my frustration with Legos.  I am almost 150% convinced that the makers of Legos are secretly working with alcohol/wine manufacturers in order to boost revenue.  I mean, the two totally go hand in hand.  And no, I’m not exaggerating in the least, and yes, I’m very serious here.  I used to have a nice area rug in my bedroom, but now it is full of little hazard called Legos!

What the *insert bip here*!?!?!?!?

Just in case I haven’t proven my theory to you quite yet, here are a few more arguments that will hopefully swing the vote in my favor.  I don’t want a hung jury here.

a.  The Pain Factor
On more than one occasion, I have walked into a room to say something to my kids only to wind up yelling expletives at the top of my lungs after the bottom of my bare foot has been nearly punctured after unknowingly stepping on the infamous Lego mound.  And every time this happens I feel like I need a glass of wine to numb the throbbing, and also to calm my nerves due to the fact that I am well aware that I’ve just said the “F” word very loudly in front of my 4  and 6 year old and I know that they’ll choose to repeat it at the most inopportune time.

b. The Aggravation Factor
My son loves to build all kinds of “stuff” out of Legos.  And every time he gets whatever “stuff” he’s making almost completely put together, one of those famn’ pieces snaps off, and then when he tries to snap it back into place, his entire creation breaks apart. And then he gets really frustrated and screams like a banshee, and then that makes ME extremely frustrated FOR him, and then I just really feel like I need a glass of wine or seven or even eight! 

c.  The Time Factor 
Every time that my son gets a new set of Legos (thanks to the grandparents who don't seem to understand when I tell them that they have more than enough Legos), there is some sort of perfect picture on the outside of the box of whatever the contents inside are supposed to build. 
Of course the age range on that box may say 4 to 7, but the conspirators over at Lego know very well that my 6 year old is not going to be able to follow the little pamphlet of instructions included in the box in order to build the hero factory, boat, or whatever the hell else is pictured on the front.  They are also tuned into the fact that my 6 year old will fully expect me or my husband to put the entire thing together.  And they are also fully aware that this will piss us off to no end because the damn thing takes FOREVER to build and sometimes it is virtually impossible to identify the pieces that are pictured on the instructions.  And then when one of us can’t manage to put it together, we call in the other party for assistance, and then we wind up fighting over which piece goes where, etc., and then by the time one of us figures it out and does manage to put the vehicle together, our son has completely lost interest and has moved on to something else, or dear daughter decides to go behind our back and play Godzilla and therefore destroys everything in a blink of an eye! And then we wind up needing a really stiff mojito to get out of our respective funks.

See what I mean?  It’s all a conspiracy.

So Arthur’s Birthay is in a bit more than a month… So PLEASE PLEASE, if you ever wanted to buy him a gift (and yes I’m pointing my finger at you My Dear Brother), don‘t ever consider buying another set of Lego or I swear, revenge will be sweet… You know just sayin’…