My children are the best part of my day. I used to be very competitive and self-centered, having Arthur at 25 and Morgane at 27 did put my whole life in perspective and helped me get out of my very narrowed minded focus on my looks and what would people would think about me. Having Arthur and Morgane stopped the endless cycle of self-obsession.
They are my life, my pride and my joy. But sometimes, I have to stop and think: "Am I raising them well enough?" This question has been haunting me for weeks now, especially because Arthur’ school director has got me on speed dial and calls me every now and then to inform me that Arthur has been difficult in school. Nothing serious really, but now, it’s a mom who's calling, texting me and other half for a couple of weeks to let us know that Arthur has been bullying her son.
At first, other half and I were mortified about this news. This type of attitude is not tolerated in our home, any type of violence (physical or verbal) is really not accepted. Sufficient to say, we directly spoke to our son to tell him that this behavior had to stop. I believe the message went through, he understood that he would not want to be the one being bullied and promised us that from now on, he would change...
So this morning, his dad and I decided to take him together to school and have a chat with his teacher and the ladies that take care of him after class. They all assured us that Arthur and the whole school team have been working hard and that Arthur’s behavior had significantly improved and that he really tries to behave at all time. We informed them that again, we had received a phone call from the other kid's parents telling us that Arthur had broked the other kid’s eyeglass yesterday afternoon. They all had a surprised look on their faces and they again told us that this was not Arthur’s doing and that no incident whatsoever had happened, that in fact, Arthur had been extremely well behaved. ..
So why? WHY is this happening? We have a meeting with Arthur’ school director tomorrow, I hope she will be able to solve this situation, I am at the end of my rope… I know with my whole heart that this time Arthur’s has done nothing wrong, and I’m just about to transform into a "Mama Bear" and you do not mess with Mama Bear!
I have been so upset, I am grateful to my other half for trying to keep me calm (which, I know can be hard, when the "Hulk" switch is on) and for standing next to me all this time.
NOW let’s move on to happy thoughts!...
BUT before, my prayer of the day is:
"Lord give me patience, because if you give me strength I might choke someone. Amen."
I just loooove the prayer of the day.;-)