Morgane has a friend called "Notme". Although, I try not to get involved in their friendships, I really have a hard time licking this little friend of hers.
Notme has a tendency to do bad things, for example:
- Notme draws on my walls
- Notme loves to play with Morgane but always spills her toys all over our house and never cleans up before he goes home
- Notme often uses my restroom but never remembers to flush! Moreover, how much paper does this little friend needs?!
BUT Arthur also has a friend called “Idontknow”!
I’ll ask Arthur:
- Why are the sleeves of shirt cut off? He’ll reply Idontknow did it.
- Why is Morgane crying? Again, it’s Idontknow!
I swear to you there is something wrong about these little friends…
Although, I have never seen their friends (these little buggers always find a way to go home when I’m about to have a discussion with them), I have found on numerous accounts proff of their visits:
- Chocolate fingers on my couch
- Bread crubs in my drawers
- My high heels being separated in different room of the house
- Boogers on walls (I know!!! Seriously, I need to find this kids’ parents phone number)!
Maybe it’s better for them that we never meet… I told Arthur and Morgane to ask their little friends to behave, and the best way I found to make them understand how bad their little friends behaved is to make them clean their mess! So not cool Mom!
Below, Bill Cosby himself talking about this famous "NOTME"
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