
Thursday, March 31, 2011

I'm sorry too Arthur...

Welcome to my moments called "When Mommy screws up"! Please sit down and make yourself comfortable…
As parents, we get really upset when bullying happens to our kids, but, interestingly, we tolerate it in adult behavior. This morning I believe I pushed my 5 years old to the edge and deeply regret it.
What makes me think that? Let’s press the rewind button…
This morning, while I was getting dressed, I heard in the other room Arthur making fun of Morgane who had just spilled her breakfast on the floor. I went to where they were and told Arthur that I didn’t like his behavior and that I was really disappointed by his attitude.
This should have been enough right? Especially as I could see on his face that he was embarrassed that he got caught with this type of attitude going on.
But I didn’t stop there; I was so upset that I told him that the next time I would be the one having a laugh at him… He just stood there giving me a look… I then asked him why he was looking at me that way, and he suddenly lost it and yelled at me… He was clearly angry and hurt…
I didn’t have the time to react before other half (who had just gotten behind us) yelled on Arthur asking the little guy who he thought he was speaking to his mom that way… He got told off again…
Poor Arthur, I know what he did was wrong, making fun of his sister and then screaming back at me… But I also know that I pushed him too far… He was crying and he apologized to me and his sister for his bad behavior…
And this where I hope I managed to make things right on both side, I also apologized for threathning him… I told him I was sorry too… I promised I would not make fun of him later and I mostly apologized for my own childish behavior… I asked him to put himself in his little sister's shoes and understand that she already felt bad for spilling her food and that she didn't need playing with her nerves...
Before sending him to school I told him everything would be ok and that I love him and that’s why I was working hard to teach him to be kind and loving… He gave me a huge hug and said I love you back…
Kindness is the most valuable lesson we'll teach our children, because kindness is the thing we'll all remember above everything else.

From God to me...

These last few days have been rough at work and so I cling to these words and now that like everything, HE will take care of it…

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

DAY 2 of this "3 – days diet".

I think my brain is fried.
My guess is the lack of carbs in my diet is finally getting to me.
Neurons don’t fire as readily sans carbohydrates.
In the past hours I cannot count the number of times I started to do something, turned around, and completely forgot what the heck I was doing.
I slept through my alarm this morning. Threw myself in the shower and shoved into the first pair of jean I could find, sprinted*** to my car, and I arrive at the office exactly five minutes before the boss called. I was still late, but at least now I can convince myself I worked out today.

*** Yeah, you read it right: I sprinted. I don't walk (unless necessary) so sprinting is a big effort!!!
The only reason I would usually run is when chased, and even then only if someone is wielding a deadly weapon like a machete…

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A special message to...

… the lady I met at the gym during lunch :

Yes I had the most horrific view when I got out of the shower at the gym. I fell face to face (if I may say) with a lady who didn’t mind showing her Hoo-ha!!!

Considering changing my workout session to another time now :-)

"Muffin Top Elimination" starts now!

Time for me to shape up (I know I keep on repeating myself)
I can no longer blame my "baby pouch" on my 5 and 3 years old.

I need to stop eating these chocolate eggs like my life depend on it and I need to move.
Because let's face it, we ALL know how to lose weight - stop eating so much, and move that backside of yours!!!

Plus I have a whole wardrobe of clothes I miss and I'm fed up of Morgane asking if there is a baby in my belly (harsh yeah…)

Why the decision, because this is literally me every morning when I go to the office (except I can hang on until I get to my desk and lock the door behind me)

Objective: definitely loose the damn last 6 pounds that keep coming back.

Plan: Dust off my Tracy Anderson DVDs and start the workout TODAY!

Menu for the 3 next days:


Black coffee or tea with Equal or Sweet & Low
1/2 grapefruit or juice
1 slice toast with 1 tablespoon peanut butter

1/2 cup of tuna
1 slice toast
Black coffee or tea with Equal or Sweet & Low

3 ounces of lean meat or chicken (any kind)
1 cup green beans
1 cup carrots
1 apple
1 cup regular vanilla ice cream

Black coffee or tea with Equal or Sweet & Low
1 egg
1/2 banana
1 slice toast

1 cup cottage cheese or tuna
8 regular saltine crackers

2 beef frankfurters
1 cup broccoli or cabbage
1/2 cup carrots
1/2 banana
1/2 cup regular vanilla ice cream

Black coffee or tea with Equal or Sweet & Low
5 regular saltine crackers
1 oz. cheddar cheese
1 apple

1 boiled egg
1 slice toast
Black coffee or tea with Equal or Sweet & Low

1 cup tuna
1 cup carrots
1 cup cauliflower
1 cup melon
1/2 cup regular vanilla ice cream

Monday, March 28, 2011

The one where they were too silent...

No small animals or small children were killed in the making of this photo. Not that the thought didn’t enter my mind…

Yes, I had left them to play alone in their room. They found the ink pad and decided it would be fun to use it as makeup. Yup!
They were very proud of themselves. Incidentally, I found it adorable.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Thank God It’s Friday!

1.       Because it’s Friday!!!! 2 Days off!!! Yes! Yes! Yes!
2.       Wine time means adult time. And adult time is what I need!!!
3.       I discovered that like my kids, I too need a comforter. And vino is my version of a blankie. It calms me down. It shuts me up. And it helps me sleep through the night.
4.       Someone once told me that when I’m about to lose my temper I should take a deep breath and count to ten? Well, it only takes me about ten seconds to open a bottle of wine, so by the time I’m done; I might as well enjoy it!
5.       Whining adults, spoiled bosses, and sometimes shitty stressful days are part of our job. And we deserve to be rewarded for going above and beyond with our efforts. Amen to that!
6.       Seriously, do I really even need to come up with more valid reasons to why I love Friday and wine together I love it, and I want it, and it’s almost 5 o’clock right now and I should really be getting ready for wine time instead of typing this blog post.

Have a beautiful week-end everyone!

Cutting the cord...

Yesterday evening, Other Half and I attended a Parent-Teacher Meeting to discuss the seaside trip that our son and his class are going to take in May.
It will be a 5 days/4 nights’ trip were it will be hell on earth for me… At first I didn’t want to let him go but Other Half is right [insert voice of Other Half saying: Say that Again!!], he needs to go and have this extraordinary experience with all his classmates. This is his last year in kindergarden, so this is the perfect moment to tighten up the bond he has with his little friends…
We got home and I went to his room to kiss him good night. He suddenly looked older but I couldn’t help but think of how it seems like just yesterday that we brought him home from the hospital.
I know he”ll have wonderful memories for a lifetime but my heart aches just a little bit admitting that he’ll be ok without me…

Thursday, March 24, 2011


I work in a very big building, which means that the elevators are always full… And this is what happened today:
I literally had to jump off of the elevator so I didn’t end up taking an unnecessary ride with some idiot who doesn't have common sense.
So with no further due here is the "Common sense etiquette for taking the elevator": 
1.       Elevator doors open.
2.       Stop.
3.       Pause.
4.       Wait for person(s) to exit.
5.       Enter.
It drives me insane to see people jumping in the elevator without thinking that actually some people would like to get out first. They are jumping in it like it would be the last flight to heaven!!!  
OK, I’ll admit it, I hadn’t had my coffee when it happened…

While writing this post I remembered  a text I read called "Fun Things To Do in an Elevator"

1. Make race car noises when anyone gets on or off.
2. Blow your nose and offer to show the contents of your Kleenex to other passengers.
3. Whistle the first seven notes of "It's a Small World" incessantly.
4. Sell Girl Scout cookies.
5. Crack open your briefcase or purse and while peering inside ask, "Got enough air in there?"
6. Offer name tags to everyone getting on the elevator. Wear yours upside-down.
7. Stand silent and motionless in the corner, facing the wall, without getting off.
8. When arriving at your floor, grunt and strain to yank the doors open then act embarrassed when they open by themselves.
9. Greet everyone getting on the elevator with a warm handshake and ask them to call you Admiral.
10. On the highest floor, hold the door open and demand that it stay open until you hear the penny you dropped down the shaft go "plink" at the bottom.
11. When at least 8 people have gotten on, moan from the back, "Oh, not now, damn motion sickness!"
12. Meow occassionally.
13. Frown and mutter "Gotta go, gotta go" then sigh and say "Oops!"
14. Walk on with a cooler that says "human head" on the side.
15. Stare at another passenger for a while then announce, "You're one of THEM" and move to the far corner of the elevator.
16. Start a sing-along.
17. Say "Ding" at each floor.
18. Lean against the button panel.
19. Say "I wonder what all these do" and push the red buttons.
20. Listen to the elevator walls with a stethoscope.
21. Draw a little square on the floor with chalk and announce to the other passengers that this is your "personal space."
22. Take a bite of a sandwich and ask another passenger, "Wanna see wha in muh mouf?"
23. Announce in a demonic voice, "I must find a more suitable host body."
24. Make explosion noises when anyone presses a button.
25. Stare at your thumb and say, "I think it's getting larger."

Pole Dancing

In my quest to look good, I also considered Pole Dancing… But because I still have a little bit of pride, I won’t be showing you the exercise myself; instead I’ll let you watch the very inspiring video below  J

Although I’m not pregnant, that’s how I would look like doing the exercise, so I guess I’m just going to hide until I shed these damn last 2 kilos!
But until then have a good laugh, I certainly did!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Like Mother Like Daughter...

 … As a proof: I sound just like her sometimes…

1.       Enough is enough!

2.       I'm going to give you until the count of three... 1.. 2.. 2 and a half... 2 and three quarters

3.       Go ask your father.

4.       Am I talking to a brick wall?

5.       Answer me when I ask you a question!

6.       Are you deaf or something?

7.       Are you lying to me?

8.       Are your hands broken? Pick it up yourself! I'm not your maid!

9.       As long as you live under my roof, you'll do as I say.

10.   Beds are NOT made for jumping on.

11.   Fries are NOT a breakfast food!

12.   Did you clean your room?

13.   A little soap & water never killed anybody.

14.   Did you brush your teeth?

15.   Always wear clean underwear.

16.   Did you flush?

17.   Do you live to annoy me?

18.   Don't cross your eyes or they'll freeze that way.

19.   Don't EVER let me catch you doing that again!

20.   Don't go out with a wet head, you'll catch cold.

21.   Don't talk with your mouth full!

22.   Don't use that tone with me!

23.   Don't you have anything better to do?

24.   Eat your vegetables, they're good for you.

25.   Go to your room and think about what you did!

26.   How do you know you don't like it if you haven't tasted it?

27.   How many times do I have to tell you?

28.   I brought you into this world, and I can take you right back out!

29.   I can always tell when you're lying.

30.   I can't believe you did that!

31.   I didn't ask who put it there, I said "Pick it up!"

32.   I don't buy snacks to feed your friends!

33.   I don't have to explain myself. I said no.

34.   I don't know is NOT an answer.

35.   I hope someday you have children just like you.

36.   I hope you don't kiss me with that mouth!

37.   I just want what's best for you.

38.   I said CLOSE the door, I did not say SLAM it.

39.   I would have never talked to MY mother like that!

40.   If I want your opinion I'll ask for it!

41.   If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

42.   If you don't clean your plate, you won't get any dessert.

43.   If you don't stop crying, I am going to give you something to cry about!

44.   If you're too full to finish your dinner, you're too full for dessert.

45.   I'm going to skin you alive!

46.   I'm not always going to be around to do these things for you.

47.   I'm not going to ask you again.

48.   It's not that I don't trust you, it's that I don't trust everyone else.

49.   Look at me when I'm talking to you.

50.   Money does NOT grow on trees.

51.   No child of MINE would do something like that.

52.   Nobody asked you.

53.   Now, come back downstairs and go back up WITHOUT stomping your feet!

54.   Now, say you're sorry...and MEAN it!

55.   Over my dead body!

56.   Pick that up before somebody trips on it and breaks their neck!

57.   Put that down! You don't know where it's been!

58.   Say that again and I'll wash your mouth out with soap.

59.   So it's raining? You're not sugar -- you won't melt.

60.   Think of those poor starving children in Africa... (or China, or India.)

61.   This hurts me more than it hurts you.

62.   Turn off that light. Do you think we own the electric company?

63.   Watch your language!

64.   Watch your mouth!

65.   What did I say the FIRST time?

66.   What if everyone jumped off a cliff? Would you do it, too?

67.   What part of NO don't you understand?

68.   When I was a little girl...

69.   When I was young we had respect for our elders!

70.   When I was your age...

71.   When you have kids of your own you'll understand.

72.   When you have your own house then you can make the rules!

73.   Who do you think you are?

74.   Who do you think you're talking to?

75.   Who taught you THAT? You didn't learn that in this house!

76.   Why? Because I SAID so, that's why!

77.   You are getting on my last nerve.

78.   You can't find it? Well, if you'd put things where they belonged, you wouldn't have this problem.

79.   You can't start the day on an empty stomach.

80.   You had better wipe that smile off your face before I do it for you.

81.   You have an answer for everything, don't you?

82.   You just ate an hour ago!

83.   You WILL eat it, and you WILL like it!

84.   You won't be happy until you break that, will you?

85.   You'll understand when you're older.

86.   You're the oldest. You should know better

87.   Don't eat your boogers! You'll get worms! (Oh no this one was told to me by my dear brother!)

I’m sure I could have come up with 13 others to make it a hundred but I was too lazy,  help me find the last 13 ones !!!!