
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Health tips...

This made me laugh and therefore I am passing it on...

Q:  Should I have a baby after 35?
A:  No, 35 children is enough.
Q  : I'm two months pregnant now. When will my baby move?
A:  With any luck, right after he finishes college.

Q  : What is the most reliable method to determine a baby's sex?
A:  Childbirth.

Q:  My wife is five months pregnant and so moody that sometimes she's borderline irrational.
A:  So what's your question?

Q?:  My childbirth instructor says it's not pain I'll feel during labor, but  pressure. Is she right?
A:  Yes, in the same way that a tornado might be called an air  current.

Q:  When is the best time to get an epidural?
A:  Right after you find out you're pregnant.

Q?:  Is there any reason I have to be in the delivery room while my wife is in  labor?
A:  Not unless the word "alimony" means anything to you.

Q:  Is there anything I should avoid while recovering from childbirth?
A:  Yes, pregnancy.

Q:  Do I have to have a baby shower?
A:  Not if you change the baby's diaper very quickly.

Q:  Our baby was born last week. When will my wife begin to feel and act normal again?
A:  When the kids are in college.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Today you are 4!

Dear Morgane

I will always remember the day the doctor told me that I was expecting a little girl. It was a mix of joy but also fear. I felt joy because I was looking forward to dressing you up but I also felt scared because how on earth was I going to raise a little girl when I had been a pain in the butt for my parents?!

But it all turned up just fine and I am so proud of the big girl you have become.

You still ask me this song from time to time and maybe one day, you’ll sing it to your baby too…

You love to sing and dance,

You can be girly but you can also be a real tomboy (in fact there hasn’t been a whole month when I haven’t seen you with a bump on your forehead)
You adore you big brother even though you take much fun in torturing his mind at times,
You are Hello Kitty’s number 1 fan,
You give your Lola and Lolo so much love and happiness
And to your Daddy and me you are the sunshine of our life!

You loving, sweet and fun spirit makes it impossible for me to stay mad at you for more than 10 seconds!
You will always be my baby even if I can’t stop you from growing up. You make me so proud and you give me the motivation to be a better mom each day.
6 days old

8 months old
11 months old

2 years old

3 years old

4 years old



Monday, October 17, 2011

My kids and their weird conclusions…

It all started a while ago when my kids ask their Dad why he was bald. Other Half jokingly answered that he lost the first part when Arthur was born and Morgane just helped for the last part by driving him insane.
Then in the car this morning, I started listening to their conversation, and this is how it went:
Morgane: You know, Tito Em (being my Dear Brother) is bald like Dad

ARTHUR: yeah, it’s normal, he had mom as his sister…

Morgane: What do you mean by that?

Arthur: well, if Dad says we drive him mad, and he also says that we get our crazy character from Mommy, then Mommy drove Tito Em mad long enough so he lost all his hair too!

Morgane: yes but Lolo (that’s how we call the grandfather in the Philippines) is losing his hair too!

Arthur:  well mommy started the work, and will finish it when he moves in with us!

Morgane: How about Tito Rik (my Dear Brother precious Better Half)

Arthur: well, because mommy taught Tito Em how to drive people crazy, he has done the same with Tito Rik and now he is all bald too…

Oh dear, this kids have a huge imagination!!!!! Wonder where they get THAT from!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I promise...

… That if my gym organise this type of motivation, I will ride my bike every single day lolol


Monday, October 10, 2011

This day wasn't so bad afterall...

I was in a "panic" mode this morning as I had taken a day off last Friday, which meant that work had piled up on my desk and in my mailbox. I manage to do go through 6 bullets out of 10 on my to do list, which makes me pretty proud of myself.

On top of things, my boss who arrived in the office quiet grumpy almost instantly changed his mood once we started working together… I’m not going to bad mouth him on my blog, I’m tempted but I won’t do it. Why? Because one of my cousin reminded me that even though he seems to have everything in his life to make him happy, he is missing one HUGE part: Faith.

This is what she wrote to me after I explained to her that I was having a bad day, and that dealing with a difficult person was a bit part of it:  "Material things can not fill their longing, only God can. Be lovable to them, not by choice but do it because it pleases our Lord. Even better, pray for these people--- you can not hate them if you are praying for them you know? Try it--- it works!"

And it does work! I don’t know why I didn’t think of that as soon as I got in the office, as most of days, I’ll start my day with a prayer, why not today? Because I let myself get caught with the stress of the world instead of following my faith and its principles… Focus on our Lord and let Him deal with the rest…

Tomorrow is another day, and I promise myself that my first words will be for the Lord… I have no doubt that whatever comes my way, I will face it with courage as I know that I am not alone…

Until then, I am grateful for my wonderful Other Half, who manage to take a few hours off to pick-up the kids and relieve me from the worries of not getting on time at the kids’school this evening. I’m looking forward to a nice family meal and a relaxing eveing with my Other Half catching up on our favorite series and probably falling asleep in his arms…

I hope you Monday has been good to you, and remember tomorrow is full of possibilities…

It's Monday! Oh dear....

I usually try to be positive on Mondays but I have to admit feeling under the weather has an effect on my mood…
On top of all, I have tons of work to finish for… well, yesterday and I have a big party dinner to organize for Saturday. Other Half is working almost all week, which basically means I’m on “drop and pick-up kids” duty (and that means getting up at 5:45 every morning! How can life be so cruel????). Add to this some groceries shopping, laundry to be done by Wednesday evening, working out [insert HUGE SIGH here], oh dear, oh dear, oh dear…

So I hope this big cloud on top of my head will move on… Until then I wish you all a joyful week!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

I've got AWESOME kids!

Didn't hear my alarm this morning and had to kick the kids out of bed with tons of apologies as it wasn't their fault... They both embraced me, got dressed as fast as they could while Other Half and I were preparing their backpacks and breakfast to eat in the car and before they headed to the car, they told me: "Mom, it's OK, it happens, it's not your fault... We love you "

Arthur and Morgane - you two make Mommy rpoud every day! - I LOVE YOU!

It’s ok that it’s Monday…

… Because I had a wonderful week-end and in 5 short days it will be another week-end with all four of us and the waiting is all worth it!

Have a fantastic week everyone!