
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Questions about God…

… And my answers…
Arthur is very curious. Extremely curious. I love that about him...But sometimes, I really need to be creative in my answers to him…
He’s like a tiny clean inquisitive about the world around him… Most of the time, when we are together, he’ll shoot questions off to me, left and quickly, in fact, that I can't always think of the perfect answer.
Questions like these ones:

-          Why does it rain? Remember when I told you that the angels cry when a child is picking his nose? Well, today there must be a whole bunch of kids picking their noses.

-          Where does our poop go when we flush the toilet? It goes into the sewer system... And I think some of it goes into the know, where Nemo lives?

-          Why is the sky blue? Because that’s God favorite color

-          How did He make the sky blue? With a giant paintbrush

-          Who decided that grass should be green? God did...but only because he ran out of blue

-          Do boys have brains? Hum huhhh – so I’ve been told

-          Why do people get married? That, you’ll need to ask your Dad

-          Is God like Superman? Yeah, except He’s way more powerful and doesn't wear a speedo and tights

-          What would happen if we never slept? All moms around the world would be devastated

-          Why do we have boogers in our nose? In case you ever get stranded on a deserted island, you'll have something to eat – emphasize: Only on a deserted island!!!

Did I say this?

My mind is constantly in the gutter. Take for instance, this innocent conversation between my kids this week-end:

Morgane: Arthur, give me one of your balls.
Arthur: No, I need them. I had them first. Go find your own balls to play with.
Morgane: I can't find any other ones. Give me need to share.
Arthur: NO!! Go away...stop trying to grab them!
Morgane: I just want ONE...and then you can play with the other one.
Arthur:, just take both of them.
Morgane (whining): Mommy, Arthur threw his balls at my face.

To which I responded, once I could stop myself from doubling over with laughter, "Arthur, you don't throw balls at your sister's face. You could have just handed them to her"....on a silver platter, like your father did the day he married me.
Ok, ok, I did not say the last sentence… But still, it made me laugh…

Monday, May 30, 2011

My kind of luck is the type that....

 ...  has Morgane pooping at the EXACT moment I'm about to shovel the first bite of a hot and savory food into my mouth (nothing like hearing "Mommy, I need you to wipe my butt" as I'm about to sit down to a nice meal)
...have my kids completely quiet while I'm on hold on the phone BUT as soon as the operator comes on the line and announces, "Thank you for can I help you?", all hell breaks loose and they need my immediate attention right then and there
… makes me spend 15 minutes making pancakes for the kids and after the first bite, they will claim they like "Dad's pancakes" better (when in fact, these are the same pancakes that just happened to come in a ready-made package, which he microwaves in only a matter of 60 seconds)
...have Other Half and I finally sneaking upstairs for some 101 time (literally) and Morgane happens to have a nightmare at the precise same moment
But my kind of luck is also the type that will have my heart melt, especially when I hear....
... Arthur saying his prayers last night, he included (without anyone suggesting it) my dad, and his siblings who just lost their father 2 weeks ago...
"....and please remember to bring lots of peace and comfort to Lolo and his brother and sisters because their daddy is up in heaven with you now. We don't want them to be sad. Please let them know that he is an angel now and that he's watching over them.
....oh, and thank you for putting love in mommy and daddy’s heart.  And next time you see Jesus, tell him we said hello and that we really tried not to torture our dog today but she keeps on coming back. Amen."

Monday Notes...

I wonder where they are….

Who am I talking about? My neighbors! We’ve been leaving in this house since January of last year, yet I rarely see the neighbors. My mom-in- law always brags about the fact that she has wonderful neighbors that always want to give her a hand in her yard or are just inviting her for drinks, why is this not happening at my place?
Maybe you’ll give me an explanation after you read this…
On any given day, if you just happen to be strolling by our house, you may hear me making the following statements to the kids...
  1. "It's not your fault?! Really?!  Well, then who's fault is it then?  Oh wait, let me guess...Jesus told you to do it, right?"
  2. "Here's the phone...why don't you call the Wicked Witch and tell her how horrible I am for making you clean up the juice you just spilled?!  Maybe she'll take you back to her castle, bake you a batch of cookies and force her flying monkeys to dance for you."
  3. "Can someone PLEASE drop a hammer on my head so I can check into the ER for a few hours and get a damn' break?"
  4.  "God called.  He told me to remind you guys that he watches you all year long and he is NOT happy when you DEMAND that your tired mother cut the crusts off your sandwiches...(or whatever else I'm trying to manipulate them with)"
  5. "Are you seriously trying to drive me insane on purpose?"
  6. "You don't like what I'm serving for dinner?  Then get a job and buy your own food".
  7. "Dude, I'm telling you, one more time...THOSE. PANTS. ARE TOO SMALL.  But if you want to wear pants that are way too tight, FINE! But don't come crying to me when you're bent over suffering from a crippling case of painful gas after you eat breakfast."
  8. "If you kids need me, I'll be locked in my bedroom in the fetal position, sucking my thumb."
  9. "It is bedtime.  So PLEASE stay in your bed!  I don't care if you're thirsty or have to go potty! GO. TO. SLEEP. NOW."
  10. "Kids, I can see the moon.  It must be time for bed.  I don't care if it's only 6:30.  If the moon is out, it's time to go to sleep.  I'm pretty sure that's a law...somewhere".
  11. "Someone left the fridge open...again!  Did I miss the memo that electricity is free today?"
  12. "How many times have I told you not to leave your toys all over the floor?!  The Toy Fairy is coming by later tonight when you're in bed and snatch up your toys....but not before she flings a juicy, green booger on each of your pillows while you sleep".
  13. "Well, well, well, thank you for allowing me to have the privilege of wiping your butt for you.  What would I do with myself if you ever learned how to do it on your own!  I'd probably cry hysterically all day long."
  14. "Daddy's not here, he's at work.  I'm in charge.  Actually, I'm in charge even when Daddy is here.  You're ALL my little puppets...*insert evil laughter here*".

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A story of Butt Cream...

I love my girl with all my heart and soul, but there are times when she wears on the delicate fabric of my nerves and I want to get in my car with no particular destination in mind and listen to AC/DC’s – Highway to Hell song, and drive with the windows rolled down and smoke a cigarette (although I have quit the smoking!!!).

Times like this:

Yes this is Morgane with butt cream all over her face and hair – Miss Morgane did not want to have a nap and decided the she wanted to make her skin smooth with some lotion (except it wasn’t lotion)…

The truth is couldn’t even stay mad at her, especially when she said: you mad Mom? I just wanted to look all pretty when you came to wake me up… Damn, she’s good…

Friday, May 27, 2011


It's raining here in Brussels and I have this song currently on repeat since I absolutely love this song…

So, Lord - please don't stop the rain...

I’m looking forward to this evening and just staying inside. My plans for this evening?

1. Cook a meal for the kids and I while Other Half will be working

2. Tuck the kids into bed

3. Take a hot bath

4. Wear comfy clothes and watch a girlie movie

5. Read a few pages of my new cookbook before tuning the lights off and going to bed….

Oh what a beautiful plan…

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Sometimes, in the midst of work, meetings, events (good ones and sad ones), and planning parts of our lives, it's easy to get caught up in the moment. I have been extremely guilty of this for the last couple of months.

Anyway, I stumbled upon this quote, and thought it was the perfect way to come back to reality and realize that even though there's a lot that seems to consume our lives, we should nevertheless be grateful for it all.

Life is too short to live with regrets, be unhappy, and drown in things that weigh us all down. So, take a a few minutes to rewind, recharge, and return to all that really matters in life.

I’ve compiled 10 things that I love doing every single day and makes me grateful for the beautiful life I have:

1. Have time in prayer

2. Prepare, sit down and share a meal with my children and my Other Half

3. Read at least one chapter of a great book

4. Have a date night with my Other Half

5. Have a play date with my best friend and her two adorable children

6. Take a whole day to pamper myself

7. Get dressed up (including hair and makeup)

8. Hear my mom’s voice

9. Make a stranger smile

10. Laugh so hard my tummy hurts

A strong positive attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.
Patricia Neal

Yes, Christians have a good sense of humour too...

I stumbled upon this song and couldn’t stop laughing… So I had to share it with you…

I hope none of you have ever had or ever will need to say these words, but I think it's a song that will make you smile, and for me, laugh uncontrollably...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Everything will be fine...

When you lose something, it's all that you want back.

But you gotta watch it fly, standing on the sidelines.

Enough said... But no worries, I’m getting better…

Thursday, May 19, 2011

You will be Missed Florencio Albano...

Father God, Thank You for always being there for me no matter what I face. I know You will never fail me, even in my most intense trials.  I have not always understood why I was going through certain things; however, I do not have to understand, because You are God and You are in control, in spite of my lack of understanding. I know that all You require of me is to trust You, and look to You in faith and You will come and save me, and bring me an answer. You always have, and You always will, because you are faithful. You never fail any of us who look to You. I have failed You, Lord, by my doubt and unbelief at times, but You have never failed me. Lord, please remove all the sorrow and grief I feel. Heal this pain I feel in my heart and help me to trust You more.  Fill this empty place in my heart with more of Your Spirit. I ask this in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

You are beautiful (update)...

Hereunder is an update on the news I had posted 2 days ago regarding this little girl who was getting Botox injections from her mom.
I’m glad that this family is being investigated. Apparently, the little girl is doing alright.
This might come as a surprise but I do feel for this mother. Don’t get me wrong, as a mom myself, I really do not approve of her actions. We need teach our children to love themselves and not to seek anybody else’s beauty standards. But I want to believe that this woman does love her child, but is simply lacking good judgment. There is certainly a transfer issue here, let’s just hope that she gets the help she needs and realizes the harm she has inflicted to her child…

Monday, May 16, 2011

You are beautiful…

"Mom, I don’t want to wear this pants because I look ugly in it, no one wears that kind of pants in my class" … so said my 3 and a half years old daughter this morning. Did I mention she's only 3 and had only started school this year?!  Geez... how was I supposed to react to that kind of innocent statement from a  3 years old? I was shell shocked for about 2 seconds and then went all nuts and shouted out the first words that I could muster at that instant. "Who told you you're ugly...there is nothing wrong with you, you’re perfect honey!".
On our way to school I asked her again who told her she’s ugly, she replied "no one Mummy". So we just left it at that because I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. But I really did wanted to make a big deal out of it and explain to her things that I would have liked my mom to explain to me when I thought "being different" meant being "being ugly".
So now I'm in my office and still wondering how does a mom like me teaches her daughter the value of positive self image when I myself, am coping with my own issues. How do I truthfully and honestly tell her that there's nothing wrong with being different when I myself would absolutely do anything just to get back to my old self without my muffin top.
The simple answer is "I don't know"... but one thing I do know is that I will still try. Try to be a bit ore gentle and kinder to myself. The jelly on my belly won't disappear overnight but heck I’ve been exercising a lot and I do think twice now before shoving down those bloody chocolates and chips down my throat.
I stumbled upon this video this morning and was horrified:

When I’m struggling to teach my daughter about loving herself, this woman is telling her daughter that in order to be accepted, she needs to accept the suffering her mom is inflicting on her… As a mom, it was hard to watch this video and not feel angry and sad... I just hope that someone out there will take charge stop the torture.
I know it’s not too late for me and my daughter. I am working hard on becoming a positive role model for her and Arthur. It is not always an easy task and often I fail... But all I can do is just try and do my best and hopefully she’ll see what her dad and I see in her, a little girl who is not only beautiful in the inside but also on the outside…

Monday, May 9, 2011

And so he left...

"Making the decision to have a child is momentous.
It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."
Elizabeth Stone

The moment I had been dreading has finally arrived. Arthur left this morning for a week with his class to the seaside. I thought I would be able to keep the tears until he was gone but I couldn’t… Arthur was sweet and said: don’t worry mommy, I’ll think of you all the time, I love you always… Him and I are very close but I know that this is important to him. He has been looking forward to this trip for weeks now… I am very proud of him, and I know he’ll be just fine. Me? Not so sure…

Counting the days, the hours, the minutes until he returns…  A glimpse of the future where he will leave for good… I hate how I feel…

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Do you know her?

I know this woman. I wish you could know her too. This woman is amazing.
This woman grew up in a very poor household with 7 kids. She was exactly the middle child.
This woman is working harder and is doing more chores in her life than her daughter would probably EVER do in her lifetime.
This woman and her husband moved away from the only country they had ever really known to Belgium. They made it work for the sake of their daughter.
This woman demanded respect and responsibility and consequences from her daughter. This daughter had chores. She was to help. She frequently reminded her daughter of how good she had it and despite her constant eye rolls and condescending looks, she was listening. She would remember and one day appreciate what she was doing in her. The thankless job she was performing would pay off. I like to think it did anyway.
This woman and her husband lived and are still leaving on an concierge’s salary. With this, and the help of her meager supplement from her part time employment, this woman and her husband put their daughter in the best schools for all 12 years with their hard earned money.
This woman struggled a bit with her identity as her child grew. Having to watch her primary responsibility for the last 19 years slowly leave her proved to be one of the most difficult tasks of her life.
This woman found her peace. She took joy in her new role as friend to her now-grown child ans as a grandmother to 2 children. She is there constantly for support .
In the present day, this woman would amaze you. She has a gift – it’s called hospitality.
She can whip up a meal for 15 people in minutes and I do not exaggerate.
She makes fantastic food.
She has hosts many gatherings and parties in the most organized fashion preparing days in advance and making all guests feel welcome and pampered.
She has always worked very hard. She can stand on her feet for hours on end working non-stop only for short water breaks doing very difficult and very dirty physical labor. Hard, dirty work is not beneath her and she has never shied away from it.
She STILL works hard at her age of SIXTY-SEVEN.
I know this woman intimately.
I am honored to call her my BEST FRIEND. I am privileged to call her MOM.

Every day, I become a little bit more like  my mother… I could not be more prouder!