
Monday, May 16, 2011

You are beautiful…

"Mom, I don’t want to wear this pants because I look ugly in it, no one wears that kind of pants in my class" … so said my 3 and a half years old daughter this morning. Did I mention she's only 3 and had only started school this year?!  Geez... how was I supposed to react to that kind of innocent statement from a  3 years old? I was shell shocked for about 2 seconds and then went all nuts and shouted out the first words that I could muster at that instant. "Who told you you're ugly...there is nothing wrong with you, you’re perfect honey!".
On our way to school I asked her again who told her she’s ugly, she replied "no one Mummy". So we just left it at that because I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. But I really did wanted to make a big deal out of it and explain to her things that I would have liked my mom to explain to me when I thought "being different" meant being "being ugly".
So now I'm in my office and still wondering how does a mom like me teaches her daughter the value of positive self image when I myself, am coping with my own issues. How do I truthfully and honestly tell her that there's nothing wrong with being different when I myself would absolutely do anything just to get back to my old self without my muffin top.
The simple answer is "I don't know"... but one thing I do know is that I will still try. Try to be a bit ore gentle and kinder to myself. The jelly on my belly won't disappear overnight but heck I’ve been exercising a lot and I do think twice now before shoving down those bloody chocolates and chips down my throat.
I stumbled upon this video this morning and was horrified:

When I’m struggling to teach my daughter about loving herself, this woman is telling her daughter that in order to be accepted, she needs to accept the suffering her mom is inflicting on her… As a mom, it was hard to watch this video and not feel angry and sad... I just hope that someone out there will take charge stop the torture.
I know it’s not too late for me and my daughter. I am working hard on becoming a positive role model for her and Arthur. It is not always an easy task and often I fail... But all I can do is just try and do my best and hopefully she’ll see what her dad and I see in her, a little girl who is not only beautiful in the inside but also on the outside…

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