
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I am who I am...

So this post has been inspired by my Dear Brother… He dared me to post on my blog all my little quirks or as he likes to call it my little OCD tendencies…
I had already posted a few of them in a post called "My Quirky Quirks" . I didn’t put all of them out there the first time but because I have been dared, I’ve decided to list them all…
OCD stands for "obsessive compulsive disorders". They are pretty hard to break and some of them are difficult to recognize as well. Many people suffer from some kind of compulsivity, but most of them don’t have the disorder to the point that it interferes with their day-to-day life.

The one main obsession I have , and which I try to keep under control is my obsession with germs:
-         I have trouble pushing buttons for example. I will always find some clothes or paper to come between me and the button that has been touched by hundreds of people.

-          I will never eat a piece of cake where someone blowed candles on

-          I won’t drink from a bottle where another person has already drank
-          I use bacterial gel at least 20 times a day on my hands, or I’ll pour some on some clean tissues to clean my phone, my keyboard, the inside of my car, anything that I’ll be touching

-          If I’m in a room with someone sick, I’ll keep a tab on everything that this person has touched
All and all, it can seem funny to some people, but the truth is that this obsession can take over your life pretty fast. I try to be less obsessive, sometimes I win, sometimes the obsession is stronger.

Also, I like order: 
-          I never leave home before my house is perfectly neat

-          I re-arrange the dishes and cups in the dishwasher when Other Half or our guests try to help   me

-          I’m THE QUEEN of organizing! (Clothes in my closet are sorted by shirts - long and short sleeved- then organized in colors, underwear is also sorted by color, socks are in rows again by colour, the blouses hanging in the closet are by color again and length, then the skirts and pants are by length and color, sweaters are folder by thickness and color)

-          I don’t like when my Other Half takes care of hanging our wet clothes – I’ve got my own system

Long story short: I am an extremely organized person, everything has a place, and should stay in that place.

And then, there are stuff that I don’t understand myself but then happen anyway:
-          I can’t stand someone getting in bed with socks

-          I need everything to be in an even number (if I only have 1, I’ll split it in 2)

-          I need all doors to be closed before I go to bed, I don’t look at mirror in the night, and if I have to go pee when everyone is asleep, I’ll wake up our dog so she’ll come with me (I know these stuff is so wrong!!!)

Well now you know everything, If you ask my Other Half, he will probably add a few more quirks, but the truth is I don’t even notice my mannerism anymore. I have been this way as far as I can remember and I have been lucky to have friends and family that accept me the way I am…

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