
Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I’ve started doing this video 3 days ago and I can honestly say that I already feel a shift in my body and in my mind…
After the first time I did this video, I felt relaxed and for the first time in months I fell asleep almost as soon as I closed my eyes. Some movements are clearly too difficult, I just try to do my best.

This morning, I woke up at 7 am and felt rested even though I had slept less than the 8 hours I try to get. I turned on the music while taking my shower and was in a really good mood. I you have read my blog for a while; you would know that I’m not a morning person and that I barely feel alive until I’ve had my first cup of coffee. But this morning was different; I was dancing in my room and was ready to start the day!
I really hope I’ll keep on staying positive, and to push myself a bit more, I’ve decided to go back to the gym on my lunch breaks. I mean I have no excuse not to go as it is in the same building where I work!
2012 is going to be a great year – this I already know!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday thoughts...

This video really made my day :

I am done comparing myself to others… I am 31. I am a woman, a wife and a mom. I work hard. I do my best. This should be enough…. I am done making myself sick just to lose a few pounds.
My Other Half and my kids love me. I thank the Lord they are healthy and that we are blessed with more than we have asked for. That is all that matters…


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Remembering 2011 moments…

1.      you give your kids free reign to choose whatever game they want you to play with them...and of course, they choose the one that has tons of little marbles just waiting to be spread everywhere.

2.       you're singing I Can’t Help Myself by the Four Tops  in your car and notice the person in the car next to you is staring...and laughing. Story here.

3.       you're at the mall and at this lady walks over, greets you by your name and then starts chatting with you...and you can't remember for the love of God  who the hell she is because neither of you have your kids with you, which is pretty much the ONLY way you remember most people these days.

4.       you laugh so hard at something that someone just told you while you’re eating cereals that it so happens a few flakes just jump out of your mouth.

5.      your Other Half is on phone with his mom you walk into the room, you do not notice that the phone is on SPEAKER MODE, and YOU say, "Good God, your mother can be SO freakin' annoying".

6.       in a cafĂ© , you pretend to be speaking on the phone while drinking a cup of coffee so not to be bothered by someone you know when suddenly your phone rings… but you don't want to seem like a total loser so you just say, "Okay love, gotta go, I’ve got another call...yup, talk to you later".

7.       the elevator doors close and you look at the person next to you and wonder if this person is the devil in disguise. Obviously the movie "The Devil" had a huge effect on you!

8.      your 4-year old daughter is happily swinging herself  on  a pole like she would be on a sexy Britney Spears video clip in front of a huge crowd in a mall...and then she bellows, proudly, "Mommy, take a video of me dancing and send it to everyone."

9.       you take your son into a public toilet where he shouts, "Eeeeew!!! It really stinks in here"...right as the guilty person comes out of the bathroom stall.

10.   you stuck your heel in an elevator on your way to a job interview and your possible future employer is watching this bad episode happening… Story here

11.   this awkward moment when you fall face to face with a vibrator in the ladies’ room at your office and someone comes in and you loudly shout: Oh no that’s not mine!

12.   you start wondering if you’ll ever be able to out of that leather dress without having to ask for help. Story here.


Yes! That’s me indeed!

Sunday, January 1, 2012


I hope you all had the opportunity to celebrate this new year with people you love and who care for you. As for me, I spent it with my Other Half and all the Harry Potter movies! Yup you read this right, we left the kids with the grandparents and locked ourselves in front of the TV for 48 hours. The best time ever!
I was going back in my diary (yes this blog is not the only place I go to write on) and I realized just how much I’ve changed this past year. I had 3 objectives for last year:

1.       Get closer to my kids

2.       Understand the real meaning of marriage and try to become a better wife

3.       Open my heart to God

I now realize that these objectives will take me a lifetime to achieve but this year will all be about working even more  on the 3 points above.

Right now my life is on the brink of change and uncertainty. I am so out of my comfort zone that I really do get scared. Nonetheless, I know that this will only lead to great and better things. I just know. And I have faith that God will provide during these difficult times as He always did.

As a new year has started, I also have some new resolutions:

1.       Continue on my path to forming a more personal relationship with God. Although, I’ve been raised  in the Christian faith, I feel it is only now that I have finally allowed myself to open my heart to Him. I’ve neglected my faith for far too long, and this year God has smacked me upside down in order to get me back onto the right path. I am at a good place now, especially after this very revealing last year, but I want to go further.

2.       Get my sexy mommy back into shape. I gained some weight , and on such a small frame even 5 pounds makes a big difference! So as of tomorrow, I’ll start eating healthier again and squeeze some exercise time at least 4 time a week.

3.       Make a conscientious effort to better my relationships: with my Other Half, my kids, and my family.

4.       Show my love for the important people in my life I have this tendency to create walls and shut people out. It doesn’t make it easy to make friends so  I need to step out of my self-protective circle and be more proactive. I have met some great people last year, who share the same values as my Other Half and myself and who have kids who have the same age as ours. It would be wonderful if they could be part of our life for the coming years. We are lucky we already have good friends around us but meeting new ones along the way only brings even more love and kindness in our lives.

Whatever your wishes and hopes for 2012, I hope you’ll all get what your heart desires… HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!