
Sunday, December 23, 2012

A holiday from all the craziness of school...

The Christmas holiday season is upon us. The kids broke up from school 2 days ago, and Other Half and myself will be responsible for them 24 hours a day, for the next couple of weeks.

Some parents have started to break out in hives, stressing over childcare arrangements and how on earth they are going to stay sane with kids in the house 24/7. A few moms that I know just started bombarding everyone they know with emails arranging play dates and activities for the Christmas holidays in a desperate attempt to fill each day. Some of the emails arrived as soon as the summer vacation were over. The littlest thought of starting organizing Christmas that early makes go into panic mode, so I delete them.
These moms are by no means alone. Wallets will be emptied  by watching all the holiday movies at the cinema in an attempt to have fun and keep those crazy kids busy until the blessed relief of school looms into view in mid-January.
Moi, on the other hand, do not feel this way at all. The thing is, no matter how crazy irritating it may be to have kids under my feet all day, there is one thing I loathe and despise the school run. It is number one on my list of things that will be put up against a wall and shot come the revolution. I hate waking up and  having to leave the comfort of my bed. I hate that I have to practically push the kids out of bed to get  them on time for school. I hate nagging about homework, brushing teeth/brushing hair. As the time we MUST leave the house or we will be LATE AGAIN looms closer, the kids whine in a higher and higher pitch and I resort to yelling myself, which of course never ends well.

You see I have many facets, but my most outstanding quality is my supreme and utter laziness. I can think of nothing, nothing more fantastic than still being in my PJs at 11am with a cup of coffee, while the kids watch something inappropriate and hilarious on TV.

For those precious time when I'm incharge of Arthru and Morgane. We are allowed to remain, giggling and cozying in bed or the sofa, for as long as we like. For the whole day, if we like. And though no doubt the ankle-biters will drive me completely insane at some point, nothing they do will be worse than the cold, grey school run in the freezing rain, grumpy and bleary eyed, and dreaming of my warm bed.

Happy Holidays! For now, I'm going to serve myself another glass of gluhwein!!!!
This pic was taken a while ago, but it pretty much looks the same each and everytime we "chill out" at home.
A "CALM" Sunday morning in our home: Our dog pulling Arthur, who is pulling Other Half, who is holding Morgane!


Friday, December 21, 2012


To be honest, I wasn't looking forward to Christmas this year… I've had several bad/though news that arrived in one go and unfortunately I jumped on the self-pitty train for a while.

But with all the bad things happening around the world, I am reminded how blessed I am and how much I can be grateful for my life. Too often during the course of the year, we forget what the real priorities are and focus on the superficial.

Life is precious, I have a beautiful family and I've reconnected with old friends and made new ones. I am very lucky to spend this holiday season with my Mom and Dad by my side and remembering last year, I am grateful that I'll have another year to tell my Dear Brother how much I love him and how important his presence is in my life is. I've found a new job that fulfils me and colleagues that makes me happy to wake up and go to work, so I have no rights to complain.

So much has changed since last year and truly God has helped me get through a lot, so I can't wait to see what awaits me in the coming months. Wither it's good or bad, I say: "Bring it on!"

I was inspired by this words from Charles De Foucauld

"The moment I realized God existed, I knew that I could not do otherwise than to live for Him Alone...Faith strips the mask from the world and renders meaningless such words as anxiety, danger and fear, so the believer goes through life calmly and peacefully, with profound joy---like a child, hand and hand with his mother."

I could not have said it better… Faith has changed the way I see the world, the people, and my life.

And like my pastor says: there would not be Christmas if Jesus wasn't born!

I also want to share this video that was shown at my church and made me smile.
Please follow the link: it is really worth watching!

To all my readers: I wish you a Merry Christmas! May God bless you abundantly and may you all feel His love and Graciousness..


Oh and Santa, if you are reading please read the card below:


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I just don't understand....

This is my first post since the event that took place in Connecticut.

The purpose of this blog is to share my everyday life, that things that makes me laugh, smile, and happy. It's also a place where I share my faith and love for Jesus Christ.

I want this blog to be light and filled with Joy. I never want it to be mean, I want it to be uplifting. This is where I celebrate all that is good with life.

But today, my heart is broken for those families.

So I dedicate this post to all the people who are hurting in Newtown Connecticut, I hold you in my heart and my prayers are with you…

This tragedy is one too many…
Embrace your children every second, every minute, everyday… We never know when it will be the last I love you they will hear…
To this little lives taken away too soon: Surely God has taken you to His side. Delight in His presence until you meet your Mom and Dad again…


Sunday, November 18, 2012

How on earth did you get on my blog ?

Every couple of months, I like to check my analytics to see which word or phrases people googled to get  to my blog. There are always plenty of variations on the title of my blog, “Joy,” “other disasters,”.” But there are also a wide variety of weird and sometimes disturbing phrases that bring folks to my blog. I don’t know which I find more disturbing — the strange things people googled or the fact that it lands them at my blog. Here are a few recent ones.


Oh yes I know that beautiful feeling.

Evil Bikini

I know that feeling too

Zara makes me wet

Ok, this one is very disturbing… I like Zara too – but I don’t think we are talking about the same one

Asian Lady Menopause

No words..

so, i said bitch shut up! Shhhhhhhhh
Hey?! You shut up lol – Now go in the corner!!!!

all over her face cream
Oh, now you got me curious! What was all over her face cream?
amazing just the way you are

I know, I know.. Thank you and… Bow J

The gates of heaven opened                                                                

Oh yes they do! Each time and send the kids out  - but I swear I love them very much!


Saturday, November 17, 2012

10 Years Already?!

It seems like yesterday when I wrote this post.

It’s been 10 years since our first kiss. So, what have I learned? That Vodka is a powerful tool in getting a man to fall in love with you (and my Dear Brother I’m sure will agree with me! --- [just kidding – or- maybe not, but then this is another blog post I’ll need to prepare soon] J).

To My Other Half:

Happy 10 Year Anniversary! Time has flown by so fast that I am saddened. If every year continues at such rapid pace, I worry that I will be left feeling like there just wasn’t enough time to see your beautiful face, hear your infectious laugh and learn everything there is to know about you.

You are my best friend and the best man a family could ever ask for.

Thank you for being so hard working, caring, happy, loving, playful, strong, dedicated, faithful, trustworthy and hilarious. We love you and appreciate all you do for us. I can't tell you how it melts my heart to see our kids follow your every move.

I am so grateful that our kids have such a wonderful example to follow and hope that they turn out to be as great as you.

Thank you for making me smile every day, for taking all the crazy moment that we are sharing together, for making me coffee, for letting me be me, for all of the small things you do for me that I don’t even see. Thank you for loving me.
And next year?

The kids say you should organize a very big surprise for their "wonderful" Mom and I am totally on board with that suggestion! I even have some very creative ideas. Ahem.

Say if I tell you: One year of unlimited Zara shopping? New Louboutin Boots? A trip to ThaĂŻland/or the Bahamas/or the Dominican Republic? ---- See I can be very helpful :-)

Here’s to 10 more amazing years together.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

On The Day That You Were Born…

God and His Angels got together and gave me really good drugs so I could enjoy your birth and not feel a second of pain.

Where did time go? It seems like yesterday that I was laying in my hospital bed, your father next to me admiring your beautiful face…

So far, the ride has been sweet and God kept His promise to me, that if I would accept His beautiful gift, the reward would be beyond my expectations.

You are so smart, you are beautiful, you are kind, you are loving, you are always smiling and ready for new adventures… You will always be our baby and we love you so much.

Happy 5th Birthday Morgane.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

And yet again...

… I have the best husband in the world!

I found this pic on Internet and it made me smile as My Other Half could have wrote this note no doubt!

Morgane was ill all night but my Other Half (whom I will call "Superman" just for the day) took care of the vomit, the cleaning and the cries while I was sound asleep…

I really do have a great life!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

My Son is 7 today and pretty funny!

Why did God make mommy?
1.-She's the only one who knows where the scotch tape is.
2.-So I can have dinner every day because I’m still to young to cook
3.-Mostly to clean the house.
How did God make mothers?
The same way he did for fathers except prettier.
Why did God give you your mother and not some other mom?
God knew she likes me a lot more than other people's moms like me.
Describe the world's greatest mom?
That’s easy! My Mom!
What kind of little girl was your mom?
1.- She looked like me only with longer hair.
2.- Oh and I guess she would be pretty bossy. 
Is anything about your mom perfect?
I think she’s already perfect, but she keeps on asking for boobs, I don’t understand why, they are useless! 

Aren't these answers funny?! I had this conversation with Arthur a while ago and I was thinking, I Have the greatest kid ever! 

"For this boy I prayed, and the Lord has given me petition which I asked of Him."

 1 Samuel 27

 Today he is 7. You've changed a lot this last year, but the more a watch you grow the prouder I get. My heart melts with your lovely smile and the sweet words you always have for me. You love me unconditionnally and to your eyes and heart I am the best mom ever.
You pray God every night to help me out in my daily life and I pray Him to make me more like you: kind, loving, forgiving, generous, funny, honest and sweet.
I love you Arthur!
Thank you for making me a better person.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Can you believe that it’s actually summer right now? I don’t, June has begun and rain is still here. While I try to remember that the rain washes away all things, and makes things clean again, it often makes me want to just stay in bed, with a good novel and some warm coffee and sulk.

As the days passes I’m looking forward to my well deserved break. 5 weeks of break! This hasn’t happened to me since I finished High School! That will be the time to just stay late in bed, enjoy every moment spent with my Other Half, kids, parents, friends and family that will be visiting…
Rain reminds me that sunshine always comes after, and that makes me smile…

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Les Miserables - I can't wait!

Are you excited as I am to watch this movie ?!
I read “Les MisĂ©rables” when I was 15 years old and completely fell in love with the story. I really hope this movie will pay a beautiful tribute to Victor Hugo.
Enjoy the trailer below and the incredible actress Anne Hathaway. Looks like this actress really committed to her role when you see how skinny she is!

Portrait of "Cosette" by Emile Bayard, from the original edition of Les Misérables (1862)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Midnight in Paris...

If you haven’t seen this movie yet, you must! It was just that good! I’ve always loved Paris and though I’m only a train away from this beautiful city I haven’t been there for over 5 years!
After watching this movie, I just want to stroll through the streets of Paris and eat French macaroons. I want to seat at a terrace and read a good novel while sipping on an espresso with a pain au chocolat.  

I want to go to the MusĂ©e d’Orsay and watch for hours my favorites Degas…
I want to go to the Eiffel Tower and just under it, share a romantic kiss with my Other Half .

I want to escape this fast paced life and just enjoy life for a couple of days…
6 more weeks and I will be free as a bird! So why not take that time to simply do as I wish?... Yes why not? ... :-)



The great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzerald.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I Quit!

What a beautiful feeling, a sense of freedom!

No that that it's done; I can concentrate on the future!

Remember that post a little more than a year ago about how I was going to take control of my life again and seek out things that made me happy and fulfilled? Click(Here).

Well, today was the first big step. I owed it to myself to move on… I had been reassessing the situation for months and always came to the same conclusion; this job is making me miserable… I tried, I did, really. But even with all the prayers I made and the effort I made to try to appreciate this job, I was still feeling very unhappy.

I got a call on Monday saying that the job I interviewed for  a month ago was mine if I still wanted it and by the end of yesterday, I had made up my mind and I felt so relieved. Moreover, my Other Half has been a 150% behind me and I’m so thankful to him for that.

The great news is that this new job is really a great opportunity, and after my 6 weeks’ notice at my current job, I’ll still have a month and a half of well deserve break before starting at my new job. I’m glad I won’t have to start pulling my hair out trying to make a decision.

I’m planning on celebrating by drinking copious amounts of wine while Other Half will just watch me go a bit neurotic…
And of course, this would not be a real celebration I did not treat myself with  a nice pair of shoes, bags, and clothes (what?! A girl needs to look perfect in this crazy corporate world I’ll be entering!)…because that’s just how I roll, YO!

Saturday, May 12, 2012



I love you for all the times you picked me when I was down.

For all the times you traded your warm smile for my frown.

For all the times you brushed my hair and tucked me into bed… Or needed something for yourself and put me first instead.

For all the dreams that we have shared, the tears and laughter too.
I love you Mom with all my heart…
There’s no one quite like you!


Friday, May 11, 2012

The Lego Conspiracy - My Theory

Alright guys, I have a confession to make.  It’s not something that’s easy for me to admit, but I’m going to go ahead and put it out there if I want to stay true to who I really am and maybe, just, maybe I’ll be able to maintain my sanity.  Here goes nothing…

Hi, My name is Joy, and I genuinely fear and hate Legos. They have completely taken over my son (and daughter!), my house, and my life, and I just can’t seem to manage to dig out from under them.  Every time that I think I might have things a bit under control, those little plastic things (surely invented by the devil’s minion) emerge and prove once again that they are the boss of me.  And I’m thinking that maybe I should just wave the white flag and surrender because I don’t think that I 'm ever going to have a chance in hell of winning this battle.  I’m just not strong enough.” *insert sobbing here*

I have this little theory that I’m now sharing with you that is probably born out of my frustration with Legos.  I am almost 150% convinced that the makers of Legos are secretly working with alcohol/wine manufacturers in order to boost revenue.  I mean, the two totally go hand in hand.  And no, I’m not exaggerating in the least, and yes, I’m very serious here.  I used to have a nice area rug in my bedroom, but now it is full of little hazard called Legos!

What the *insert bip here*!?!?!?!?

Just in case I haven’t proven my theory to you quite yet, here are a few more arguments that will hopefully swing the vote in my favor.  I don’t want a hung jury here.

a.  The Pain Factor
On more than one occasion, I have walked into a room to say something to my kids only to wind up yelling expletives at the top of my lungs after the bottom of my bare foot has been nearly punctured after unknowingly stepping on the infamous Lego mound.  And every time this happens I feel like I need a glass of wine to numb the throbbing, and also to calm my nerves due to the fact that I am well aware that I’ve just said the “F” word very loudly in front of my 4  and 6 year old and I know that they’ll choose to repeat it at the most inopportune time.

b. The Aggravation Factor
My son loves to build all kinds of “stuff” out of Legos.  And every time he gets whatever “stuff” he’s making almost completely put together, one of those famn’ pieces snaps off, and then when he tries to snap it back into place, his entire creation breaks apart. And then he gets really frustrated and screams like a banshee, and then that makes ME extremely frustrated FOR him, and then I just really feel like I need a glass of wine or seven or even eight! 

c.  The Time Factor 
Every time that my son gets a new set of Legos (thanks to the grandparents who don't seem to understand when I tell them that they have more than enough Legos), there is some sort of perfect picture on the outside of the box of whatever the contents inside are supposed to build. 
Of course the age range on that box may say 4 to 7, but the conspirators over at Lego know very well that my 6 year old is not going to be able to follow the little pamphlet of instructions included in the box in order to build the hero factory, boat, or whatever the hell else is pictured on the front.  They are also tuned into the fact that my 6 year old will fully expect me or my husband to put the entire thing together.  And they are also fully aware that this will piss us off to no end because the damn thing takes FOREVER to build and sometimes it is virtually impossible to identify the pieces that are pictured on the instructions.  And then when one of us can’t manage to put it together, we call in the other party for assistance, and then we wind up fighting over which piece goes where, etc., and then by the time one of us figures it out and does manage to put the vehicle together, our son has completely lost interest and has moved on to something else, or dear daughter decides to go behind our back and play Godzilla and therefore destroys everything in a blink of an eye! And then we wind up needing a really stiff mojito to get out of our respective funks.

See what I mean?  It’s all a conspiracy.

So Arthur’s Birthay is in a bit more than a month… So PLEASE PLEASE, if you ever wanted to buy him a gift (and yes I’m pointing my finger at you My Dear Brother), don‘t ever consider buying another set of Lego or I swear, revenge will be sweet… You know just sayin’…

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

41 Today!

My Other Half turns 41 today. I don’t want to hide his age  because for me he is becoming more handsome, more charming, and more lovable by the years.

So to you my wonderful, hard-working, partner in crime, and wonderful father to our two crazy kids, I wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
There aren’t enough words to tell you how much we love you. Your kindness and generosity to our family and friends is beyond measure.  

I hope this new year brings you more success, love, peace, and happiness than you can handle.

I pray the Lord that He will grant me many more years by your side.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I don’t want to sound like a Party Pooper but…

I absolutely hate Valentine s Day! I don’t want to spoil it for the rest the lovey dovey couples out there but when it comes to me, I don’t need to have a special day to celebrate my wonderful Other Half.

Every morning I wake up and I’m thankful that the Lord has granted me another morning where I wake up next to my husband. So there will be no gifts, no romantic dinner, it will be an ordinary day for us because, love is in our home wither it is or isn’t Valentine ’s Day.

But I’ll tell you this: I'm grateful :

For our evenings together. When we’ve tucked the kids in bed… Rolling into each other...our bodies just fit. Love that we are two and can feel like one all at the same time.

The coffee he makes every morning.

That he surprises me by bringing me food at the office because the one I had wasn’t great. Very unexpected. Very appreciated.

His adoring eyes that are only for me.

The kind words he speaks everyday that always make my heart melt.

Our special moments when we say no to the kids and the rest of the world to focus on the US.

His patience. His understanding. His time. His belief in me.

Watching him cuddle our kids even if at THAT VERY moment when he deserves some quiet time.

This list is just some of the things I am grateful for. What gratitude I will always hold is that he **picked** me.

Now for a special shout-out! Thank you Jesus for sending such a great man to me to be my husband and my best friend!

I won’t wish my Other Half a Happy Valentine’s day, but I’ll wish YOU to find the kind of love that will make your world as beautiful as mine is today…. If I could stop the time just now, all would be perfect….

Friday, February 3, 2012

Happy 68th Birthday Mom! ♥

God good not be everywhere so He made Moms.

They say in the Bible that "He will give angels charge concerning me. To guard me in all my ways" (Psalm 91:11).
I believe my Mom is MY ANGEL. I took me to be a Mom to realize how wonderful you are, and I will never apologies enough for all the suffering I made you go through because of my bad behaviour while I was a kid and in my teens. You were the one one I was blaming all the time for all the bad things happening in my life, and I realize now that you were not to blame but instead I should have told you more often how thankful I am that you always stood by my side. You are the best mom, lola and wife, anyone could ask for. If I can be half the person you are, I would be already very proud. You are an example of love, patience, kindness, compassion, and care. I will love you always and sherrish all the days we have together and I pray for many many more....
I realize now that it is the little things the count, and you have done so many little things in my life that makes Olivier's, my children, and my life beautiful.

I thank Lord for blessing me with such a beautiful inside and out Mom. May he touch your heart more every day, and may you know his unconditionnal and everlasting love. God Bless you Mom, I love you more than words can say

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I’ve started doing this video 3 days ago and I can honestly say that I already feel a shift in my body and in my mind…
After the first time I did this video, I felt relaxed and for the first time in months I fell asleep almost as soon as I closed my eyes. Some movements are clearly too difficult, I just try to do my best.

This morning, I woke up at 7 am and felt rested even though I had slept less than the 8 hours I try to get. I turned on the music while taking my shower and was in a really good mood. I you have read my blog for a while; you would know that I’m not a morning person and that I barely feel alive until I’ve had my first cup of coffee. But this morning was different; I was dancing in my room and was ready to start the day!
I really hope I’ll keep on staying positive, and to push myself a bit more, I’ve decided to go back to the gym on my lunch breaks. I mean I have no excuse not to go as it is in the same building where I work!
2012 is going to be a great year – this I already know!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday thoughts...

This video really made my day :

I am done comparing myself to others… I am 31. I am a woman, a wife and a mom. I work hard. I do my best. This should be enough…. I am done making myself sick just to lose a few pounds.
My Other Half and my kids love me. I thank the Lord they are healthy and that we are blessed with more than we have asked for. That is all that matters…


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Remembering 2011 moments…

1.      you give your kids free reign to choose whatever game they want you to play with them...and of course, they choose the one that has tons of little marbles just waiting to be spread everywhere.

2.       you're singing I Can’t Help Myself by the Four Tops  in your car and notice the person in the car next to you is staring...and laughing. Story here.

3.       you're at the mall and at this lady walks over, greets you by your name and then starts chatting with you...and you can't remember for the love of God  who the hell she is because neither of you have your kids with you, which is pretty much the ONLY way you remember most people these days.

4.       you laugh so hard at something that someone just told you while you’re eating cereals that it so happens a few flakes just jump out of your mouth.

5.      your Other Half is on phone with his mom you walk into the room, you do not notice that the phone is on SPEAKER MODE, and YOU say, "Good God, your mother can be SO freakin' annoying".

6.       in a cafĂ© , you pretend to be speaking on the phone while drinking a cup of coffee so not to be bothered by someone you know when suddenly your phone rings… but you don't want to seem like a total loser so you just say, "Okay love, gotta go, I’ve got another call...yup, talk to you later".

7.       the elevator doors close and you look at the person next to you and wonder if this person is the devil in disguise. Obviously the movie "The Devil" had a huge effect on you!

8.      your 4-year old daughter is happily swinging herself  on  a pole like she would be on a sexy Britney Spears video clip in front of a huge crowd in a mall...and then she bellows, proudly, "Mommy, take a video of me dancing and send it to everyone."

9.       you take your son into a public toilet where he shouts, "Eeeeew!!! It really stinks in here"...right as the guilty person comes out of the bathroom stall.

10.   you stuck your heel in an elevator on your way to a job interview and your possible future employer is watching this bad episode happening… Story here

11.   this awkward moment when you fall face to face with a vibrator in the ladies’ room at your office and someone comes in and you loudly shout: Oh no that’s not mine!

12.   you start wondering if you’ll ever be able to out of that leather dress without having to ask for help. Story here.


Yes! That’s me indeed!