
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A glimpse of my hell…

I have to take Arthur to a Birthday Party this Saturday, which is taking place in an indoor playground (or as I like to call it: "a preview of what my hell looks like").
My dear brother says that I’m an EXTREME GERMAPHOBE, I hate to admit it, but he’s right! I avoid hugs, kisses and especially eating birthday cakes (you know, because of the saliva and all? Visual: *shivers*). It can even get awkward because in Brussels almost everybody says hello and goodbye with a kiss on the cheek. So I tend to get into situation like I will pretend that I am coming down with a flu just to avoid the hug or the kiss (I know, I know: bad me, blah, blah, blah…). But why would you want to risk (even if it’s less that .001% chance) teaming up with germs?! Now seriously, kids can "smell" fear!!! Every time I go to a party, kids around me systematically want a hug, a kiss and all I see is those dirty fingers, the runny nose, and the little germs that just want to invade my immune system!
Don’t get me wrong, I love kids! I love their innocence, the spontaneity they bring, and the unpredictable things they will say but can’t their mom or dad keep them clean?! OK, ok, my dear brother would hit me behind the head if he heard this live… He would say: "you resemble Mom more and more each day! Actually you are even more paranoid than her!" Oh and he would add: "no go in the corner gremlina!" (yeah what a wonderful surname isn’t it ---- hum, hum)
Plus: what’s that stamp they put on the kids’ hands? Seriously they should spray antibacterial gel instead!
Oh well, I guess this is a little proof that I really love my kids dearly, even if it is a glimpse of hell for me, I’m still ready to enter it for them…

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