
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Grumpy "Forever" Bitch is back!

Hello, my name is Grumpy "Forever"Bitch, I am one of Joy’s 6 other personalities, and today, I decided to take over…
Joy is not always ballsy enough to let people know what she really thinking, so I have decided to take over for her and speak out. So sit down, relax and enjoy the ride!
So, these are the kind of people that drive Joy completely crazy:
·         People who park their car on her parking space at home. Seriously people, can’t you read the "no parking" sign? Is your car plate number "XYZ"?! No, it is not because that’s Joy’s plate number. I caught one these guys one morning, he was leaving his girlfriend’ s place (you think, he would park in front of her house instead?) and all I could think about telling him is: I hope your girlfriend has crabs and infects you with it…

·         People who drive like crazy in front of Joy’s kids’ school. One day, Joy is really going to lose it and she will hunt you down… Be afraid, be very afraid you irresponsible driver!  Just saying, the most dangerous criminals were the ones that would go unnoticed in the day-to-day life…

·         People who blow their noses in public and are too lazy to throw their tissue in a bin and instead just throw it on the street. Karma can be a bitch: I hope you get herpes just by standing next to someone…

·         People who are constantly late! It’s disrespectful, ya know, again, just saying…

·         People who make fun of other people’s misery. You are mean cold ass(BIP) holes! I hope you die alone or in pain (preferably both). I’ll pray for you or…….. NOT!

·         People who pass in front of you in a line and look at you with their "Bambi" eyes while saying: I usually don’t do this, but today is really hard (when you know she just didn’t park her car correctly and now needs to run before she gets a ticket, you selfish…. Ok I’ll stop!) – Do you think Joy’s life is just like "effing" Dinsey world all the time?! Yet she still waits like everyone else right?

Now that this is out in the open, I’ll let Joy come back!
See you next time!
Grumpy "Forever" Bitch
(I'll leave the good manners to Joy)

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