
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My marriage is just fine thank you very much!

So a few weeks ago (I can’t remember exactly when), I was lying in bed at 2:00 AM awake.
Other half woke me up with heavily snoring. If you want an idea of how it was, just imagine an earthquake experience in your bed.
So what do I do? I first lightly elbow him to make him turn around, but that doesn’t work so I decide to go a bit harder on him, in which other half asks “Why you waking me?”, ME: because you’re snoring!!! The second I finish my answer, his already fallen asleep again…
So here I am, starring at him and his big mouth wide open, breathing on me with this horrible sound you would only find in an engine room.
That’s the moment I can tell you my marriage is doing just fine, not even fine but GREAT!
I can’t tell you how fascinating this is to me…
I know it’s all fine because I can lay there next to him and listen to him snoring and not take a pillow to suffocate him. I can be very childish/selfish at times and here I am, not wanting to quickly slap his face for him to wake up, and for me to get the last hours of sleep…
I have an amazing man. He works hard to provide for me and the kids without ever complaining. So I’ll let him have his sleep and if it’s too hard, I’ll just move to the couch… Love you my other half! :o)


  1. sweet. i remember when we where on hollidays all together in spain, we could hear him snore through the wall... and yes we where wondering how you culd find sleep... ;-)

  2. Hell, he managed to make 6 people move from one room to the other on evening :o)
    I put up with it because he has to put up with much more with me lololol
